Religiously Diverse 'Faith, Family & Freedom
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Tue Aug 09, 2011 at 02:38:20 PM EST
by Mary Tuma, American Independent, Aug. 06, 2011

"Texans filled the pews at Mt. Ararat Baptist Church in Houston Friday night, to join religious leaders and activist organizations in opposing ‘The Response,’ this weekend’s prayer and fasting event hosted by Gov. Rick Perry and the Tupelo American Family Association."

"For Houston resident Robin Willis it was AFA’s ‘appalling’ attacks on the LGBT community that tipped the scales. ‘We need to combat the pervasive misconception that all Christians are homophobic,’ she said. ‘Hopefully events like this one serve as an antidote to that type of thinking.’"

Unfortunately, It’s not difficult to understand why Tupelo, MS has its own, unique "Dark Side," Extremely Radical, Extremely Dark!
- ab
