A Christian who Fears the Tea Party
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Fri Aug 26, 2011 at 11:45:44 AM EST
     I am a strong evangelical believer.  But I have a deep fear of the Far Right.  For years, some of us have watch bits of it coalesce.  
     This is not the evangelical Christian faith I know. It pulls a verse here or there to back up its positions, but rarely is the whole rationale consistent with the biblical context, even within, say, one chapter.  Its eschatology (study of the end times,) is badly messed up. 
     Abortion and homosexuality are hot button issues.  So the Far Right is using them to pump up the troops.  Many of those troops would scarcely believe it, if told them what they are actually advocating.  
      I don't condemn the Far Right Christians.  They are my brothers and sisters in faith, but they are badly, badly wrong, perhaps fatally wrong. 

     Finding you is like a drink of fresh water.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a child of the Enlightenment.  I am a Christian.  I follow in the footsteps of Luther, Calvin and John Knox, pillars of Reformed Theology. 
     The Far Right is wrong not by any yardstick from the intellectual