Broken links: The Social Transformation Conference & the 7M...
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Tue May 31, 2011 at 09:08:13 PM EST

Hey folks.

I've found some broken and/or temporarily out-of-order links in this article:

The Social Transformation Conference & the 7M Movement

The following links are broken or currently not working:

advocates p;view=article&id=241:positioned-to-win-in-2010-dr-bill-hamon &catid=20:word-of-the-lord&Itemid=18


Bill Hamon p;view=section&layout=blog&id=18&Itemid=2

"Our website is currently undergoing maintenance.
If content does not load properly please check back later.
Thank you for your patience!"


told her evangelical audience


performed a ceremony

The comments have been disabled. I respectfully suggest enabling them. Even if a lot of idiots post, they'll still boost the view count which will draw in more viewers. On the 'Net, controversy > substance.


runs one of Pierce's healing room franchises

"This Website Is Currently Offline
Please contact NetMinistry at (813) 441-9814 and follow the prompts to our
billing or sales department for assistance with this matter. We are sorry for any
inconvenience this has caused."


I've also come across the odd broken link in other talk2action articles and I'd like to report them as I find them.

How should I do so in the future?


I stumbled across some t2a articles a few of weeks ago. I no longer see the world the same way. Thank you.

I'll do my best to help spread the word.


John, this is an ongoing problem, particularly with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).  They often remove links once something has received publicity.  Sometimes the authors of the article are able to relocate a link to the material and sometimes not.  The Social Transformation conference held at Harvard was a controversial and protested event, and I'm not surprised that many of these links no longer work.

Thanks for pointing these out.  If you find further severed links you would like to report, you can reach me at protectpluralism (at)  gmail  (dot) com.  I have no doubt that there are quite a few more in the articles on the NAR.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Thu Jun 02, 2011 at 08:14:36 AM EST

10-4 Rachel. And my thanks to you and your colleagues for the eye-opening work you are doing here.

BTW. In the comments section of...

| Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation: via @addthis

...I copied & pasted the the following text from gedit but couldn't seem to get said text to post in legible, open paragraphs (even though I've got WYSIWYG editing enabled in my forum settings).

EDIT: I just turned off WYSIWYG editing to get this post to display properly:

I noticed that there doesn't appear to be a U.K. listing for the ITN so I went looking for one which lead to the following sequence of discoveries: greetings-from-reading-uk#Item_1

"Greetings from Reading, UK!

    steveprince March 30 Permalink