Rick Scott banned Democrats from public event
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Sun May 29, 2011 at 09:21:02 AM EST
You read that right.
Our ultra-dominionist-friendly (and Tea Party favorite) Governor Rick Scott's office had Democrats removed from the PUBLIC ceremony where he signed the budget (chopping social services and aid to the poor and sick, while supporting anti-abortion "clinics" and dominionist causes).

http://www.theledger.com/article/20110528/NEWS/105285043/1003/new s00?Title=Scott-Adviser-Wanted-Democrats-Booted-from-Event

Knowing the rhetoric that comes from those churches about liberals and Democrats, this is chilling.  How long before liberals are banned altogether?   Entire groups of people have been banned in this country before.  Different churches have wanted the right to control the government since the beginning of this country, and it looks like Scott is handing them this state on a platter.

An interesting note in the article is that Scott's office and the Tea Party were using robocalls and spoofing software to try to drum up support for all of the budget cuts they did (which hurt a lot of people who couldn't afford the loss of help).  BTW... some of the cuts were to funding going to Women's health clinics.  At the same time, the anti-abortion pressure mills were funded.