"Rev" Terry Jones went through with Koran burning.
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Sat Apr 02, 2011 at 10:41:58 AM EST
After (properly) backing down, Jones and his sycophants went ahead with their Koran burning last month.  I just found out about it in the local news.
I find it odd and disgusting that this didn't hit the news around here (I think I would have seen it) and that this is the first I've heard about it - but overseas the Muslims heard about it and people are rioting.

The jackass doesn't realize that this makes things worse for peace and U.S. soldiers and citizens overseas.  Or, maybe he DOES realize it and is trying to start a war between the U.S. and the "Islamic world"... which I know is one of the dominionist goals (one that is so horrible and wrong that it is stomach-turning).  In any case, everyone said that publicly burning the Koran would be harmful, and it's started, and our servicepeople overseas are going to pay the price.  Whether or not Terry knew, this reinforces the aggressive, violent, BULLYING stereotype that a lot of Muslims seem to have of Christians, and it's going to make things harder for the real Christians who actually read and try to follow Jesus' teachings.

The jackass claims to follow Christ Jesus, but one of Jesus' names/titles is The Prince of Peace, and this sort of thing goes totally against that (appropriate) designation.  

These people (dominionists and many of the fundamentalists)