School Prayer and Vouchers on way
ArchaeoBob printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Apr 15, 2011 at 11:38:02 AM EST
Florida is on it's way to official school prayers and the voucher scheme.  The bill has passed the committee. her-bills-pass-senate-committee/news-breaking/

All people have to do if they think the Religious Right is dead or moribund is look at Florida.  Just about all of their goals are being made into laws, and this state (already a hellhole for someone who is progressive) is marching steadily to the extreme right - it's getting worse.

The bill for prayer in the schools claims to be for student-led, non-sectarian prayer.  I don't believe it for a second.  Not even a millisecond.  I know how the dominionists are; all you have to do is research some of the dominionist groups such as Every Nation, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, CCfC, and so on.  This is, to borrow from a proverb, is just a legal way to crack open the tent door so the camel can get it's nose in.  Those groups already are a problem, and you can bet that the "student-led prayers" will have dominionist authorship and the speakers will be coached in what to say and how to say it.

The voucher plan?  They've been fighting for this for years.  It keeps