The Social Transformation Conference & the 7M Movement
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Mar 30, 2011 at 11:40:12 AM EST
Seven Mountains Apostles come to Harvard

On April 1-2, 2011, the Harvard Extension Service and Learning Society will host, at the Harvard Northwest Science Building, the "Social Transformation Conference". The upcoming event has already generated considerable controversy, and Truth Wins Out, a "Non-profit organization that defends the GLBT community against anti-gay misinformation campaigns", plans to run a full page ad in the Harvard Crimson, on Thursday March 31st, protesting the event--which is being billed as advancing the "Seven Mountains" program. One of the scheduled speakers is linked (intimately) with a professed co-author of Uganda's so-called "kill the gays bill", and the 7 Mountains movement is already impacting US national politics. Below are 7 facts you should know about 7M movement and its speakers lined up for the Harvard conference.

Prominently featured on the Social Transformation Conference website is a professionally-produced video on the "Seven Mountains mandate", which instructs "Bible believing" Christians to seek control of seven key sectors of society: education, government, media, business, arts & entertainment, religion, and the family. According to the video, the "church" must regain control of those sectors, which are now occupied by "darkness". [below: Seven Mountains video]