Now after college-level tenure
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Tue Mar 29, 2011 at 12:24:01 PM EST
The Dominionists/Religious Right/Tea Party has successfully eliminated tenure for regular schools in Florida, now they're after college professors.
As you probably are aware, they've done away with Tenure and long-term contracts for teachers in Florida.

Latest news:  a new bill is in the works to strip tenure and long-term contracts from College professors in Florida.

I knew it was coming - I've been expecting this.  They're trying to destroy the public education system in this country, and while trying to de-fund it, they're also attacking academic freedom.  I knew that the original bill was actually just a step to eliminating Tenure at the college/university level.  Tenure protects professors who teach or say something that the powers-that-be don't like, and that protection is being dismantled.

As we're aware on this blog, they've been wanting to do away with teaching evolution for many years - since shortly after Darwin published his theory in fact.  They've been after critical thinking (and any teaching that encourages people to think for themselves or criticize the status quo) even longer.  I expect that unless people get mobilized soon enough (and enough people get on board), this atrocity will pass.  It may pass anyway, with the "governor" (more like dictator wannabe) we have and the Republicans/Tea Party in power.   If it does, it will mean an expensive lawsuit at the least, and probably a number of excellent teachers will loose their jobs because they taught truth.

I also read in an editorial this morning that the efforts to de-fund NPR (and the CPB) have been progressing.  The NPR is the most accurate source for information among the major outlets, and they don't want people to get the truth.  The reason for de-funding NPR?  "Liberal Bias" (but no; "Fox News" isn't biased at all - ignore the racist and hate-filled language please!) (snark off).

(I could use some good news right about now!) S00?Title=Proposed-Bill-Will-Affect-Community-College-Staff-s-Mul ti-year-Contracts dit?Title=U-S-House-Vote-Against-NPR-Public-Radio-Valuable

De-funding NPR is their worst way of telling people that they are biased and much more, guilty. - Mary G. - Millionaire Mind Book - Reviewer

by marygrace12 on Fri Jul 15, 2011 at 12:39:22 AM EST
College professors are proudly sharing the after college tenure with us in such an amazing way and I can check to find out quality work. I appreciate this blog for sharing the experiences of the professional with us so that we can keep our goals clear and can get guidelines from our leaders.

by PatriciaJones on Wed Jul 22, 2020 at 09:13:02 AM EST

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