Jay Sekulow on the Shari'Ah Law Threat to the Nation
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Sun Dec 04, 2011 at 09:48:11 AM EST
American Center for Law and Justice leader Jay Sekulow, has just published a new booklet and DVD regarding the Islamic threat to the nation.  Lawyer and TV star Sekulow is the legal voice of the Religious Right.  His positions and warnings on the threat the nation faces from anti-Christian forces have helped Jay and his family to amass a fortune.  In Jay's latest effort,he reports on a supposed conspiracy the nation faces from its own Muslim citizens.
The lawyer writes that the goal of Islamic groups in America is not to peaceably assimilate into western society.  But to "completely dominate the culture in all aspects." Jay warns there is no separation of religious and political agendas with the country's Muslims.  Jay states, "Indeed, the threat of political Islam in the United States is no longer abstract;  it is a reality.  Islamists have already began implementing their ideology (submission to Allah at all costs) in America and other parts of the Western world." Jay, ethnically a Jew, is a Christian convert.  His views reminds one of last century European  views regarding Jews.  In Germany, is was feared they would not assimilate into German society and secretly worked against the culture.

Jay wrote that, "Because the mosque and state are not separate, a devout Muslim must have the state recognize and apply Shari'ah law,or he or she cannot fully practice Islam."  Jay was given political birth by Pat Robertson and the two are often on the side of the Christian Dominion/types in the nation. In a bit of irony, he finds clergy takeover attempts grounded in the Islamic community. Although scholars like Charles Kimball conclude American Muslims are not seeking to impose their culture on American courts, Jay sees otherwise.  He believes all Muslims are bound by this Shari'ah Law as the source that supersedes  all Muslim laws. He wrote that Muslims divide the world into two groups.  One is the world controlled by Muslims  The other is the nations Muslims are conspiring to control.  He says, "At the very heart of Islam is the existence of a single Islamic state, which is 'entirely exclusive' of all other allegiances and all other gods." Similar to fears the Third Reich held toward Jews, Jay says Muslims are more loyal to the global state of Islam than their own nation. For proof he cites the Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan who staged the Fort Hood massacre. Jay appears to believe Hasan is the natural representative of the American Muslim community.

Jay's DVD and book deal at length with the Ground Zero Mosque story.  Jay writes that the mosque is seen by Muslims as a sign of victory for Muslim jihads in their political goals. Interviews with Muslim leaders who deny this view are sloughed off as just examples of a cover up.  Muslims will lie to you as part of their religion the DVD explains. Jay heads one chapter with the title, "Why The U.S. Must Act Now."  He concludes that assimilation is not working in Europe failing both in Britain and Germany.  We must do something now before it is too late.  I never caught the explanation of what exactly we were to do now.

Sekulow's DVD begins noting that President Obama wants to help the Muslim expansion in America.  John Ashcroft is interviewed to gain insight into this vast conspiracy.  The disc compares Egypt with 1979 Iran. To gain insight into this portion of foreign affairs Religious Right activist Oliver North is questioned.  North stated that Obama refuses to name the enemy.  North, who was found guilty of secret government operations himself, claims to have the inside track on Muslim tactics.  The disc says the New York Mosque is a Muslim temple of triumph.  A woman who is billed as an expert on American Muslims predicts that in the future Muslims in America will gather in some states and demand these regions pull out from the United States.

The state of Oklahoma has been listening to these claims and passed an anti-Shari'ah Law bill.  Just exactly how strong this attempt in Oklahoma is to take over the state government  was a topic for late night comedians.  It will be interesting to see if many people in the nation find Jay Sekulow's claim that funny?

I think I will ask my Muslim Doctor if he is secretly working to destroy the nation that  helps makes him a fortune?

by wilkyjr on Sun Dec 04, 2011 at 09:53:10 AM EST

his "calling".  He should have been a general in the US military.

 And there is no irony in the fact that most of the Christians he represents have the exact same loyalties to their faith as the ones he accuses Muslims of, and have the exact desires to take over our country. The man has no clue of the concept, "the enemy within" except that he defends them in court and agitates them by giving them bogus legal advice.  Anyone who advises a client to go ahead and challenge the laws on the posting of the Ten Commandments in government buildings, knowing what the law is and what their chances will be of winning, should have his license to practice pulled.  He is totally unethical.

by monarchmom on Sun Dec 04, 2011 at 10:57:25 AM EST

We all live in a country that spills over its fanaticisms into conspiracies of one kind or another. It makes no sense to me that one of the most current of these is that we were all hood-winked on the NM-AZ desert A-bomb developmental tests that produced our first atomic weapons for use against the Japanese in WWII, when, really, it was just a coverup for UFO activity and denial thereof. With the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor coming up this week, no doubt we will be hearing some bizarre tale that goes far beyond tweeking the imagination.

Mr. Sekulow's daliance is easier than not since his religious-right audiences are already predisposed to anti-government propoganda. His monetary interests in perpetrating frauds are not minimal. If you want to uncover unethical trails in religious right circles, just follow the money. This  Shar'ia nonsense is fantasy through & through, perhaps enforced by the far-right sacrosanct status that the religious right denizens give to their heros' counsel before they go down in one ponzi scheme or another. Does even the conservative judiciary put in place  a crack into which shar'ia could squeeze through? What kind of conspiracy with abject secrecy would be necessary to get all your ducks in a row and breathing is sync to even pull off a low level takeover? And this with a bunch of rightist xns to depose, all with poker faces?

Sekulow and James Dobson's Am. Family Assn.
are quite conspiratorial, but it's against mainstream, Mainline faith, not Muslimsl. Besides, they've prayed those folks into Hell already but must need the business bad to do it over and over again.

by achbird65 on Sun Dec 04, 2011 at 03:41:18 PM EST

He is in it for the money. As I understand it, his salary is well over $1,000,000.00, a ridiculously high amount for any CEO of a non-profit organization of that size.

by NancyP on Sun Dec 04, 2011 at 09:48:26 PM EST

Jay sent out a fund raising letting saying the Organization of Islam Conference is using the U.N. to legalize the persecution of anyone who chooses Christianity over Islam.  This took place Aug. 13, 2009.  Baptist Center for Ethics had up an article listing his greed.  He and sons are raking in huge fortunes.

by wilkyjr on Mon Dec 05, 2011 at 08:14:10 AM EST

to the basic ethical values of Judaism.

Re  "Jay, ethnically a Jew, is a Christian convert.  His views reminds one of last century European  views regarding Jews.  In Germany, is was feared they would not assimilate into German society and secretly worked against the culture."

Yes, that is very true.  While I'm grateful he is no longer officially a Jew, I'm sure his conversion wasn't a sincere one.  It was motivated by the same cynical, self-serving opportunism that underlies his every statement about Islam--the ones I read anyway.  Sorry, but I'm going to have to wait awhile for the revulsion to abate before I finish reading the article.  I just can't do it now.  

by Raksha on Sun Dec 04, 2011 at 04:06:44 PM EST

This stuff is toxic enough for small doses to end your faith in humanity, but it is better to know this stuff and be ready to confront it, when one is ready to confront it.

by Hirador on Fri Dec 09, 2011 at 04:53:03 PM EST

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