Cindy Jacobs announces 2012 prayer initiative--and declares war on separation of church and state
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Fri Dec 30, 2011 at 03:19:52 PM EST

Late last night, Cindy Jacobs announced the formation of a major prayer drive with the goal of influencing the election.  The campaign, called "FastForward," is sponsored by her newly formed United States Reformation Prayer Network.  It starts on January 2 and runs through Inauguration Day 2013--52 weeks of prayer and fasting in order to "shift this nation."  Jacobs outlines her game plan to her followers here.

Jacobs makes no bones about where she wants this shift to go--hard right.  If there was any doubt of that, take a look at the prayer guide she's put out for the first 21 days of the year.  On January 15, she wants her flock to pray for the end of "separation of church and state."  The next day, she wants them to pray for the appointment of Supreme Court justices who won't "legislate from the bench."  On January 18, the new focus will be on praying "favor" for "pro-life, pro-biblical defense of marriage, pro-fiscal conservative candidates."  Sounds like Jacobs wants to pick up where the Christian Coalition left off.