The Camp Pendleton Cross
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Dec 03, 2011 at 09:23:17 AM EST
I'm writing this to highlight the section of Chris Rodda's story on the Camp Pendleton Cross that may be of most interest to a lay audience unfamiliar with the issue. As Chris Rodda, Senior Research Director for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and author of Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History explains in The Camp Pendleton Cross: The Facts vs. What the "Persecuted" Christians Are Saying,
A thirteen foot tall cross atop a mountain near Camp Horno on the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base in California has become the source of much controversy over the past few weeks, sparked by a Los Angeles Times article about a group of Marines erecting the cross on Veterans Day...


The cross is the destination of many mandatory training hikes, forcing countless Marines of all religions and no religion not only to visit it, but to participate in the rituals that have grown up around it and to listen, often in formation, to Christian prayers and sermons delivered by their superiors.

This completely inappropriat