The Religious Right Ain't What it Used to Be
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Dec 13, 2011 at 10:40:14 PM EST
Christian Right pols, and those who want to be Christian Right pols and the Christian Right itself -- is changing.  Prospective presidential candidates of the party of the sainted Ronald Reagan make a point of smashing the 11th Commandment to advance their ambitions: Thou Shalt Not Speak Ill of Another Republican. This year, the aged Ron Paul has not only gotten a faith-based make-over from the man who made the presidents Bush into evangelical Christians:  Paul is also waging an aggressive web ad campaign attacking Iowa front runner Newt Gingrich.  

But perhaps most remarkable of all, is the hip hop style attack ad against Newt Gingrich distributed last week by Sioux City megachurch pastor Cary Gordon.

The Los Angeles Times reports:  
Pastor Cary Gordon is warning Christian voters in Iowa not to trust Newt Gingrich. The attack, in the form of a three-minute satirical Web video, is a sign of Gingrich's growing strength among evangelical conservatives in a state where that voting bloc is extraordinarily influential.

The hip-hop video circulated by Gordon calls Newt Gingrich "the GOP's Kim Kardashian for his many infidelities on marriage -- gay, straight and his own." The star of the video is a filmmaker and entertainer, Molotov Mitchell, whom  Gordon describes as "the guerilla warrior of Judeo-Christian political commentary." (Watch the video below.)

Gordon is sending the video via text message to every registered Republican or non-aligned Iowa voter with a cellphone on record.

The video is full of zingers aimed primarily at Gingrich's record as a husband, making the argument one does not even have to look at his record to judge that his character makes him unfit to be president:  

"Seriously. I can't stand Barack Obama, but at least he doesn't trade in his wives like used cars."

"Newt Gingrich is the Kim Kardashian of the GOP!"

"If Newt Gingrich can betray a woman who has sworn her love and loyalty to him for the rest of her life -- not once but twice -- what makes you think he won't betray you, the faceless voter in a sea of faceless voters."

Its tough stuff, hammering Gingrich for not signing The Family Leader's marriage pledge. Gingrich has since signed, but no doubt, the damage if any, has already been done.

But of course, this is not the kind of thing that the GOP envisioned would happen when it encouraged the Religious Right to bend and break the perfectly reasonable IRS proscriptions against electioneering by churches.  The abandonment of political restraint is evident.  While Gordon's video release may be within the IRS guidelines as an act of an individual, he and his church were the subject of a complaint filed by American United for Separation of Church and State last year, for having violated its tax-exempt status in organizing (successful) electoral efforts against three Iowa Supreme Court judges.  (The judges had ruled in favor of marriage equality.) Gordon said at the time:

"The orthodox Christian pastors of Iowa do not and cannot recognize, with regard to the definition of marriage, the imaginary authority of the Iowa Supreme Court. History has already shown who inevitably wins when state wages war against the authority of the church of the living God. So let the battle between state and church begin."

(The church has since filed for bankruptcy protection from the company that built its new building.)

The Religious Right base of the GOP is turning on itself with attack ads against he party's own presidential front runner in ways that could hobble his candidacy if he should get the party's nomination.   It is more than an understatement to say that the GOP and the Religious Right within it, ain't what it used to be.

I'm puzzled as to why you describe Gordon's efforts to defeat three Iowa Supreme Court Justices as unsuccessful. All three lost retention votes in November 2010, mainly because of strong evangelical Christian organizing against them.

by MLouise on Tue Dec 13, 2011 at 11:08:28 PM EST
thanks for the correction. I dunno how that "un" got in there!

by Frederick Clarkson on Tue Dec 13, 2011 at 11:11:11 PM EST

Would Callista be the first ex-mistress to inhabit the White House should her husband ascend to the Presidency?

The funny thing about Newt and Callista's supposed reform iand repentance s that no matter how much they "regret" their past actions, they still have exactly what they wanted all along -- each other.

It's sort of like Bernie Madoff regretting and repenting of his financial fraud but deciding to keep all the money he made off his Ponzi scheme anyway.

Certainly Newt's decision to buy -- I mean request -- annulments for his previous marriages certainly doesn't speak well for his remorse over his actions -- but then I guess it must have kicked in after that too.

The eventuality of the mendacious scoundrel, Newt Gingrich being propelled to the Republican nomination by the support from the Christian Right is too delicious to contemplate, and could be a serious blow to their political power down the road, since it proves, once and for all, just how shallow and insincere their "conservative moral values" really are.

It's all about the power, baby.

by tacitus on Wed Dec 14, 2011 at 01:56:09 AM EST

has always been divided in years where there were multiple candidates.  The RR has never been monolithic, which I think this attack video episode amusingly illustrates.  

At the same time, it is about the power indeed, and different people and groups see means and ends very differently. It was very odd when in 2008 Pat Robertson endorsed the pro-choice, pro-gay rights, thrice married (just like Newt!) Rudy Giuliani.

by Frederick Clarkson on Wed Dec 14, 2011 at 10:10:56 AM EST

"could be a serious blow to their political power down the road, since it proves, once and for all, just how shallow and insincere their 'conservative moral values' really are."... is that you assume that people who view themselves beyond reproach can actaully take an objective inventory of their short-comings. I hope I'm not being my typical over-cynical self here, but I suspect the religious GOP voter, upon pulling the lever for Newt Gingrich will comfort themselves with the following "facts": 1) Newt asked for (and I supposed received) God's forgiveness for his sins 2) President Obama is a muslim. As Fredrick pointed out in a response to one of my first comments here, facts/reality have little to do with Republican thinking for at least the last decade. If one wants to tweak definitions, that could probably be extended to 3 decades. It is encouraging to see some Religious Right folk railing on Gingrich. Maybe there is some honest self-assesment going on in that corner of the population.

by Edski on Wed Dec 14, 2011 at 04:32:04 PM EST

... is that Newt Gingrich's Renewing American Leadership provided funding for the effort to remove the Iowa judges.  

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