FRC's Perkins: Gay Rights a "Political Sledgehammer" Cracking Foundation of US
Chip Berlet printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Nov 02, 2011 at 01:44:31 PM EST

President Obama is using gay rights as a political sledgehammer to destroy “the actual foundation of our country,” suggests Family Research Council President Tony Perkins in a fundraising letter arriving this week--and it's all part of a Satanic plot!

“By promoting same-sex ‘marriage,’ President Obama is taking a sledgehammer to the bedrock institution of a free society,” warns Perkins in the letter mailed after his group's recent Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. “If this assault is not stopped, America’s future is in grave peril” writes Perkins who asks for donations “to sustain our efforts in defense of natural marriage.” That defense is needed because, according to Perkins, “If President Obama and the powerful homosexual activist groups he is aligned with get their way, it will be disastrous for America.”

Perkins is mad at Obama because the President provided “benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees as though they are in a legitimate marriage.” Several state court rulings have already recognized gay marriage as “a legitimate marriage,” and that is what the Family Research Council wants to reverse. Perkins also targets Obama because the President “succeeded in lifting the ban on homosexuals in the military, which” claims Perkins, “will inevitably weaken the military, put our troops at risk, and radically change the military’s conservative culture.” If the President “doesn’t care about the institution of marriage, he should at least consider the well-being of the children,” continues Perkins: who asks:

How can homosexual “marriage” possibly be good for children? They aren’t guinea pigs. They shouldn’t be placed into some social experiment aimed at redefining marriage. They shouldn’t be placed in settings that are inherently unstable and unsuitable for their maturation.

Perkins rolls out the stereotype that “homosexuals are shockingly promiscuous,” and “have higher rates of substance abuse,” and then falsely implies that this reflects the behavior of all gay parents and therefore creates an “inherently unstable and unsuitable” home for children. Perkins, not only misrepresents the social science research about gay people, but also employs a logical fallacy trick typical of bigoted propaganda models. Perkins has offered no credible evidence that gay and lesbian parents create “unstable” families, but then Perkins writes that “our research shows that children raised in unstable homes are more likely to”:

  • Do poorly in school
  • Engage in premarital sex
  • Use drugs
  • End up in prison
  • Create unstable families of their own

The logical spitball thrown here by Perkins is his falsely suggesting these are the typical outcomes of children raised by gay and lesbian parents, when that is not the case.

To “force society to celebrate their immoral and unhealthy behavior” is wrong, writes Perkins, and only the Family Research Council can “battle” the onslaught of “Homosexual activist organizations…Hollywood elites, academia, and the President of the United States." All these sinister forces are “swinging the sledgehammer, pounding away on the foundations of the very country that is their home."

Perkins concludes by citing Ephesians 6:l3. The particular passage urges Christians to “put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground" (New International Version). This is a veiled message encouraging anti-gay activism as a Christian duty to resist Satanic forces. In the context of the passage, promoting gay marriage is literally the work of the Devil. Here is what precedes the cited passage:

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:11-12 NIV). So if you are in the LGBTQ community, it's the Devil that makes you do it.

This recent fundraising letter from Perkins is more evidence that SPLC is standing on firm ground when it lists the Family Research Council and several of its close allies as hate groups.

Legalized same sex marriage in MA was compared to a giant apocalyptic snowball:

"It's like a rolling ball of snow. It gets bigger and bigger. You allow it in Massachusetts, it'll spread to God knows where." -  Massachusetts Democratic State Representative Emile J. Goguen, as quoted by the "Traditional Values Coalition" website

I compiled a list of similar ridiculous quotes, for my 2006 piece ( ) on the non-impact of same sex marriage on all but same sex couples wanting to marry in the Bay State.

Here it is:

"This is only the beginning, if we allow this [ same sex marriage ] to happen we will, in effect, have destabilized the basic institution of our society, which is marriage between a man and a woman" -  Brian Camenker, President of the Parents' Rights Coalition, as quoted by MassNews, March 2000

"Taxpayers and businesses should not be compelled to subsidize either homosexual unions or non-marital heterosexual partnerships, both of which undermine the institutions of marriage and family." -  Acting President of the Massachusetts Family Institute, Dan Englund, as quoted by MassNews, March 2000

"There is a master plan out there from those who want to destroy the institution of marriage." - Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO) during the July 2004 U.S. Senate debate on the "Federal Marriage Amendment".

"the sexual revolution led to the decoupling of marriage and procreation; same-sex "marriage" would pull them completely apart, leading to an explosive increase in family collapse...."  - Charles Colson, Christianity Today, June 2004

"We must aggressively combat the homosexual effort to destroy the tradition of marriage. This nation is on the precipice of moral devastation." - Jerry Falwell, July 14, 2003

"Pro-homosexuality activists try to portray the success of their cause as inevitable. But it is not. The churches can stand against the tide of relativism and libertinism in our culture. And they can help to reverse the tide, restoring marriage to its proper place of honor" - Former President of The Institute on Religion and Democracy, Dianne Knippers, as quoted on the website of Concerned Women For America

"....a person can use his or her right to object out of conscience and refuse to comply with this crime [ gay marriage ] which represents the destruction of the world."  - Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, in a May 3, 2005 interview with Fides new service.

"Homosexual conduct is, and has been, considered abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature and of nature's God upon which this Nation and our laws are predicated. Such conduct violates both the criminal and civil laws of this State and is destructive to a basic building block of society -- the family." - Judge Roy Moore, Feb. 15, 2002

"Marriage is the union between a man and a woman is a truth known to each one of us already, and any attempt to allow same-sex marriages is a detriment to the family unit and hurts our state and nation." - Texas Governor Rick Perry, in an August 2005 mass email to supporters

"Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It  [ same-sex marriage ] will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth." - James Dobson, Focus on the Family, October 2004 speaking at a rally for OK GOP Senate candidate Tom Coburn

"It seems the more people consider the long-term impact of homosexual marriage on the family and society, the more they oppose homosexual marriage," - Dr. Ron Crews, President of The Massachusetts Family Institute, quoted in a January 7, 2004 "Coalition For Marriage" press release

"Any redefinition of marriage must be seen as an attack on the common good....I would hope that those who promote same-sex unions will not be so naive as to fail to recognize the impact that redefining marriage will have on American culture....Strengthening marriage in the face of widespread cohabitation and the galloping divorce rate needs to be the concern of every citizen. Radically redefining marriage will simply serve to intensify the assault on marriage and the American family." - Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, October 2, 2003

''America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home" - Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, in a February 25, 2005 speech to Utah Republicans. In the speech, Romney described the decision that legalized same sex marriage in Massachusetts as "a blow to the family"

"just a fraction of a master plan to destroy everything that is good and moral here in America." - description of the gay rights movement, from an early 1980's fundraising letter sent by Robert C. Grant of the group "Christian Voice"

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Nov 02, 2011 at 02:59:07 PM EST
protege of William Steuart McBirnie, Orange County red-baiter extraordinaire who wrote a book 'THE HOMOSEXUAL INTERNATIONAL' : When Gene Antonio, the medical doctor and conspiracist anti-queer bigot spoke of 'Homintern' and 'Gay-stapo' at Religious Roundable NAB 1992, he was referencing McBirnie as he did in his book, and fellow ultra-right doctor Stanley Monteith. The 'Ron Paul letters' which implied belief in Jewish/Zionist/ Illuminist-NWO threats to American sovereignty quoted Dr. Antonio's 'Healthwatch Report' in claiming AIDS can be spread by spores and saliva and  restaurants should be allowed to discriminate by HIV status and sexual orientation in hiring for this reason.  

Just this summer Miriam Grossman, a campus psychiatrist who became famous for her books 'Unprotected' and 'You're Teaching My Child What' (2007-9), was invited to Ontario by a coalition of ultraconservative parents objecting to a sex-ed program which teaches gay orientation and marriage as realities of life to be accepted and allows for diversity in moral issues. Her previous work beginning with the two books above express a similar perspective on SIECUS and sexual/reproductive freedoms as the above Glendale wingnuts, their Catholic race-baiting antisemitic counterparts in the Old Right who fuelled the 1968 FLSE controversy in Anaheim cf. John Steinbacher, John Schmitz, Eleanor Howe and the Catholic ultramontanes of or relocated to Virginia/DC who joined them to try to ban sensitivity training in the 1970s cf. Judie Brown, Paul Marx, the Marshners, the McGraws, Weyrich but doesn't include the apocalyptic rhetoric, grand conspiracy or Red baiting.

But what did she tell this group? The 'overall approach' to life and human sexuality represented by comprehensive programs is 'a MARXIST APPROACH.' And she got a round of applause from the 'concerned citizens' of Canadian Families Coalition for that.
video on YouTube or in my possession if proof needed.

McBirnie died in '95, Dr. Calderone in '98, the Iron Curtain fell in '91... anti-gay, anti-sex ed Red-baiting and grand conspiracy? It's still alive.

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