It's baaack! More Response rallies planned
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Wed Nov 16, 2011 at 06:08:29 PM EST
cross-posted at dKos

PFAW's Right Wing Watch reports that the Website for "The Response" prayer rally is back online.  And the organizers have planned at least four rallies already--including one for Cedar Rapids, Iowa on December 6.  More rallies are planned for South Carolina and Arizona in January and Florida in February.  

Although The Response disclaims any affiliation with a presidential campaign, PFAW notes that the rally dates are awfully close to the dates for Republican primaries in those states.  Remember, the American Family Association--which helped put together The Response--sent out an email urging the members of the rally's email list to join an effort to mobilize fundie voters.

The Iowa rally is being held at River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, a church founded by prominent Latter Rain minister Francis Frangipane--further underpinning the movement's links with the New Apostolic Reformation.

Stay tuned.

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