Kamal Saleem in Transformation Michigan/Oak Initiative Conference Call: Obama Wants Shariah Law
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Nov 14, 2011 at 06:04:11 PM EST
What are the sources of the narratives in which President Obama is a Muslim and/or Marxist? No doubt there are many, but one source that is promoting this message across the nation is the Oak Initiative.  This is a relatively new religio-political entity co-founded in 2009 by Rick Joyner, Samuel Rodriguez, and others, which now claims to have a presence in all 50 states and played a leadership role in TheCall Detroit.

[Author's note 11/15/11: I've embedded video with the audio and transcript.]

Transformation Michigan, an affiliate of the Oak Initiative, featured Kamal Saleem in a pre-TheCall Detroit conference call about the dangers of Islam. Saleem told participants that President Obama wants to "bring about Shariah law." Saleem and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin, an Oak Initiative board member, traveled throughout Michigan speaking about the "Islamization of America" in preparation for last weekend's TheCall Detroit.  In 2010, the Oak Initiative produced a video in which Boykin claimed that the nation under President Obama is also in the grips of a Marxist insurgency.

The Oak Initiative productions include several videos of Saleem as well as other anti-Islamic media. The Oak Initiative has been partnering with Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy in promoting anti-Shariah law legislation at the state level.  

As noted in my previous article, Saleem was prominently featured in 24-hour TheCall Detroit this past weekend. In a "reconciliation" ceremony, Saleem repented of his claimed terrorist past and of his previous hatred of Christians and Jews, which apparently impressed some audience members who were perhaps unaware of the purpose of these choreographed displays of contrition. (See video of this ceremony taken by Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out.)

The demonization of others at TheCall Detroit was more subtle than the overt attacks in some of the pre-TheCall events, in which the problems of Michigan were blamed on the presence of Muslims, Freemasons, and others.

Following is a transcript of a short segment of The Transformation/Oak Initiative conference call on September 20, 2010.  The call also included two pastors from Dearborn Heights Assembly of God.  This church was later the training and staging area for "prayer warriors" who were given directions and instructions for going to mosques in the area to conduct rituals against demons.

The interviewer is Rick Warzywak, head of Transformation Michigan. At this writing the call is still online under the heading "The Threat of Islam - A Cultural Jihad."  This segment follows Saleem's claims to have been in the Muslim Brotherhood, PLO, and to be the cousin of the "Grand Mufti of Islam."

Warzywak: What is the main threat and the tactics in your experience, and is being used by the religion of Islam in trying to take over America. What do you see, because it seems like you were on the inside.  What is that main threat they are trying to impose. What are the tactics? Can you expose some of those things for us here?

Saleem: Let's reveal what Shariah law says. What we have to fear the most as American nation is Shariah law .  Because, even our president, he want to bring about Shariah law. He celebrated Eid Al-Fitr, which is Ramadan in the White House. Therefore, he's about to break down Article 6 which is the heart of the Constitution, which is separation of the church and the government. If he breaks this, the Shariah law will be supreme in America, will be equal to the American governing.  

So, in 20 years America will be completely changing from a culture of liberty, pursuit of happiness, glory, and victory, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, to basically living under the hate crime bills and also we'll have to abide in a law that will be equal to our Constitution, which will be Islamic law.

Saleem continues, claiming that Islamic infiltration of America has been going on since the 1960s.  Note that the Oak Initiative is an entity promoting Christian dominion over the "Seven Mountains" or power centers of culture, including government.  Nevertheless, it is President Obama who is supposedly breaking down the wall of separation of church and state in order to initiate Shariah law.

Saleem is scheduled to speak at a prayer breakfast sponsored by the city of Independence, Missouri on November 17.  This has resulted in a controversy that has played out in the pages of the local press.  Saleem may be more diplomatic in his remarks at this prayer breakfast, but that's not the point.  The city will be hosting someone who is not what he claims to be and who uses these events to draw people into his worldview and narrative -  a bizarre story which apparently has little basis in fact and is used to create division and fear between Americans of different beliefs.

Leadership of the Oak Initiative includes several leading apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation including Cindy Jacobs, who also participated in this weekend's TheCall Detroit.  Jacobs is one three of the national apostolic authorities over the movement's 50-state network, which is currently working to gather 10,000 prayer warriors per state to impact the 2012 elections.

The other two apostolic leaders of the 50-state networks are John Benefiel and Dutch Sheets.  Benefiel was also featured in a Transformation Michigan/Oak Initiative pre-TheCall Detroit conference describing the rituals that were taking place in Michigan outside Freemasonry lodges. The apostles claim that Freemasonry is controlled by demonic forces and has opened the door to Islam. Dutch Sheets has also recently claimed that President Obama is a Muslim.

Also see a previous article on the Oak Initiative titled Samuel Rodriguez and the Oak Initiative: Marketing Religious Supremacism as Social Justice.
Also note that Rodriguez will be speaking for an Oak Initiative event this coming weekend.

[Correction 11/15/11: The Oak Initiative is premiering the "One Nation Under God" video with Samuel Rodriguez and others. Their flier is a bit misleading.]

What part of "not bearing false witness" do Saleem, the Oak Initiative, Boykin and company not understand?

by khughes1963 on Mon Nov 14, 2011 at 07:18:13 PM EST
Why are the audience members so gullible? Why do they listen to conspiracy theory? Why don't they trust their own eyes? After all, they could look around the neighborhood and note the absence of sharia law.

by NancyP on Tue Nov 15, 2011 at 10:46:16 AM EST
Fear is the big driver. Fear of "the other" seems to be inate in human beings, and for millenia despots have played on that fear to manipulate the populace. In one-on-one conversation it is possible to lead most people through a process of identifying what they are really afraid of, and then demonstrating how what/who they have been told to fear doesn't carry that kind of threat. But in mass rallies a kind of "crowd-think" takes over and even usually rational people get caught up.

Another factor is ignorance of what sharia law really is. One of the ironies is that imposition of the "Judeo-Christian" law that these folks desire would look very much like imposition of sharia law, but it's okay with them so long as you call the author "God" instead of "Allah." The depth of ignorance was demonstrated in the wording of that Arizona bill that would have prohibited karma along with sharia, halakhah, and canon law.

by MLouise on Tue Nov 15, 2011 at 11:06:11 AM EST
Nah, come on.  It's not as though the basis for many people's faith in "God" is based on their fear of going to hell.  A cursory reading of the Bible clearly illustrates that "God" is a vindictive and jealous creature who will gleefully punish the disobedient.

It should also be noted that the Christian ideal of humanity, Christ, was a victim.  Hence, to be a "victim" is to be closer to Jesus.  One sees this throughout the Republican Party Platform.  Gays attacking Godly Marriage, liberals attacking Godly economics, the liberal War on Christmas, secular attacks on In God We Trust and the Pledge of Allegiance, etc.

Wish I could say I am shocked, but I'm not.  Must be my fault what with being raised in an environment that encouraged open-minded free thought.  Neither was I indoctrinated into a specific belief from birth.  Oh well, I'll just stock up on suntan lotion because, according to many people of grace, I'll be heading south after I depart this world.  Also, I am open to suggestions for eye and footwear that won't melt in the extreme heat.

Peace and Love.

by Big Phat Jay on Thu Nov 17, 2011 at 03:26:47 PM EST

improves comprehension Big Phat Jay.  MLouise was not discussing belief and non-belief in God, and she did not say that this is driven by fear of going to hell. She said she thinks it is driven by fear of "the other."

And BTW, this site is not for attacking the idea of religious belief or of non-belief, as the terms of service you agreed to when you signed up made crystal clear. People who don't agree with that unambiguous policy, or who find themselves unable to follow it, should not sign up for this site.

by Frederick Clarkson on Thu Nov 17, 2011 at 04:35:49 PM EST

They are probably products of the Detroit public school system, which has been gutted by a lack of tax dollars.

by rdrjames on Mon Nov 21, 2011 at 04:40:01 PM EST

Kamal Saleem's recent comments about Obama wanting to implement Shariah Law in the United States are certainly concerning. It's important for us to stay informed about the events taking place in our nation,  home realty Henderson and to pay attention to the conversations that are taking place. We must remain vigilant when it comes to protecting our rights and freedoms, and it's essential that we all make sure to stay updated on the political discourse taking place in our country. By keeping abreast of the latest news, we can ensure that our rights and liberties remain intact.

by isabelladom on Wed Mar 29, 2023 at 02:41:54 PM EST

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