Dutch Sheets Claims Barack Obama is a Muslim
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Oct 31, 2011 at 07:09:28 PM EST
Talk To Action co-founder Frederick Clarkson and I had the opportunity to watch Dutch Sheets in action last Friday, October 27, at the "Sound of Arising!" conference held in the Old First Church in Springfield, MA, and we were both deeply impressed.

Sheets' low-key public demeanor doesn't seem to attract the sort of attention of some of his colleagues but his performance suggested to me that I've seriously neglected Sheets as a player in Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation leadership cadre, and Sheets' connection to Katherine Harris (which I'll be covering soon) only strengthens my estimation of his political significance.

Delving into Dutch Sheets material, I was struck to find Sheets claiming, in typically understated fashion, that President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

According to the following article Sheets is named as one of the top leaders of the U.S. Apostolic Alliance (and possibly NAR itself).

by LupusGreywalker on Thu Nov 03, 2011 at 11:30:54 PM EST

I just saved the article and will print it out in a minute.  Learning about Chuck Pierce's interest in and involvement with Kabbalah was a real eye-opener for me.  I had no idea that anyone in the NAR had any interest in such things, much less C. Peter Wagner's heir apparent.  While there is nothing new--or to my mind, invalid--about Christians having an interest in Jewish mysticism and magic, it's about the LAST thing I would ever expect from a Dominionist!  

The Sefer Yetzirah and the Zohar are out of copyright, after all, and both have been translated into English.  Jewish mysticism has had a profound influence on all European and American esoteric movements since the Renaissance--from alchemy to freemasonry and Rosicrucianism to the Golden Dawn and more recently, neopaganism.  In fact my own introduction to Jewish mysticism came through the Rosicrucian/Golden Dawn connection although I was born Jewish.  That was simply the most accessible path to it in the mid-1960s.  Much more is now available from Jewish sources, but at the time I was first learning about it those books had yet to be written.

So it would be ungrateful and mindlessly chauvinistic of me to denigrate Christian Kabbalah per se.  What I do object to--strenuously!--is when NAR scam artists like Charles Pierce plagiarize shamelessly, and then demonize the very sources they have plagiarized from.  Or else they demonize others who have used the same numerology, astrological symbolism and magical correspondences either before them or at the same time--new agers, ceremonial magicians, neopagans, etc.  Even more reprehensible, they forbid their "sheep" (the word is very applicable in this context) from having any contact either with the material itself or with other individuals or groups who use it.   That of course would be trafficking with the devil, EXCEPT when it's presented by Charles Pierce and his ilk.  Then and only then is it kosher, if you'll pardon the expression.



by Raksha on Sun Nov 13, 2011 at 04:21:10 PM EST

Stating Obama as Muslim is something looks like a ridiculous statement by sheets. Just looking at his name we can`t say that particular person religion according to http://www.paperguru.net/ blogs. It`s all just a political drama by sheets. He want all people must look at him so, he has stated this statement.

by bernard on Mon Apr 11, 2016 at 07:29:08 AM EST

This is so funny and I think claiming such things are not so good. This will surely creates problems and may be this will led to next war. The things discussed here are good for reading and thanks for sharing the news and hope the site will continue the sharing.
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by Angel on Wed Jun 29, 2016 at 08:24:25 AM EST