Hear Frederick Clarkson on State of Belief -- Now with Transcript!
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Thu Oct 20, 2011 at 07:00:02 PM EST
You can hear Welton Gaddy and I discuss the role of Talk to Action -- as well as the oddness of media pooh poohery about dominionism -- on State of Belief on the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd on several stations around the country, and via streaming audio and podcast.  (There is even an app for that!)  Click here to find out how to hear the show.
Media still giving Dominionism a free pass: Frederick Clarkson of Talk2Action.org extended interview

Dominionism. New Apostolic Reformation. Christian Reconstructionism. Fringe stuff? Not if you pay attention the the messages spewing from numerous well-funded far-right Christian radio and teevision broadcasts, and featured prominently on websites. Yet mainstream journalists, including religion writers, either can't seem to understand it, or else refuse to accept that it may have some significant influence on the rightward drift of this nation's politics.

The latest culprit is the respected Associated Press News Service.

Welton talks to Frederick Clarkson, co-founder of the website