Transcript of C. Peter Wagner Interview with Voice of America
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Oct 02, 2011 at 10:42:50 PM EST
Following is the transcript of the September 7, 2011 interview of C. Peter Wagner with Jerome Socolovsky for Voice of America.  
Interviewer - Jerome Socolovsky: All right, so let me first ask you, very generally, what is the, the New Apostolic Reformation? What differentiates it from other, I guess, movements in charismatic Christianity?

C. Peter Wagner: Okay, the New Apostolic Reformation, which actually has come to public view only recently, is not a new, is not a new phenomenon, even though the word new is used. But we can trace the roots of it back to 1900 to the African independent church movement. But mostly in the last 40 years or so, , it has, it has, it has blossomed to become the largest  megablock of non-Catholic Christianity in the world, so it's not a, a small unit. And also, it's the fastest-growing megablock of Christianity. It's the only megablock growing faster than the world population and Islam. So it's a very, very important movement. And, most of the, most of those who would be associated with the New Apostolic Reformation are found in what's called the global South. And that would be sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and large parts of Asia. It's here