Bill Sudduth teaching series for 50 state tour against Freemasonry and Islam
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Oct 12, 2011 at 01:38:51 PM EST
The designated successor ministry to C. Peter Wagner's Global Harvest Ministries is Global Spheres, Inc. (which boasts its own spinoff apostolic network), headed by ICA apostle and ACPE prophet Chuck Pierce, head of Glory of Zion Ministries. Currently, the Global Spheres, Inc. website features three training videos; one by C. Peter Wagner, one by Doris Wagner, and one by Bill Sudduth--who in the video introduces his 2011 50-state speaking tour, dubbed "Tearing Down The Strongman", on the alleged demonic roots of Freemasonry and Islam.

According to Sudduth, "Freemasonry, through the Shriners, is an open door in this nation to radical Islam". The following is a partial transcript of Sudduth's 7-plus minute video currently at Global Spheres (see end of story, for longer transcript.

The video introduces Sudduth's over 3-hour teaching series, from his 50-state tour, which can be viewed here (1, 2, 3).

As Sudduth describes,

"The Lord actually gave me a strategy for dealing with this strongman of Freemasonry. You know, we know Baal is the Prince of Demons, and he's the, he is the strongman. But the stronghold that he uses in the United States of America, and even other nations in the world, is Freemasonry. And for twelve years Janet and I have dealt with Freemansonry, taking people through deliverance and inner healing, and breaking the curses of Freemasonry. But our whole nation, the structure of our nation, is built on a mixture of the holy and the profane, and that profane is Freemasonry.

So for the last year I've been trying to go state to state, work with the prayer networks in that state, and organize a prayer meeting where we actually address it. The strategy the Lord gave me was to do two hour-long teachings on Freemasonry. And, interestingly enough, as I was dealing with Freemasonry
and preparing for this task, I was amazed at the connection with Freemasonry and the spirit of Islam--and Freemasonry, through the Shriners, is an open door in this nation to radical Islam, and the tremendous connection that we've found.

A longtime apostle with Peter Wagner's International Coalition of Apostles (Wagner headed the ICA from its launch into 2010), Bill Sudduth plays a major role in Wagner-associated New Apostolic Reformation entities. Beside teaching several courses for the Wagner Leadership Institute, Bill Sudduth and his wife Janet Sudduth currently head the International Society of Deliverance Ministries.

ISDM was originally founded in 2003 "as an outgrowth of the Apostolic Roundtable of Deliverance Ministers (ARDM) headed by Doris Wagner and C. Peter Wagner"--who discussed ISDM with NPR's Terry Gross, for a Fresh Air interview with Wagner aired October 3, 2011:

"in Oklahoma City there is a annual meeting of a professional society called the International Society of Deliverance Ministers, which my wife and I founded many years ago. This is a society of a large number, a couple hundred, Christian ministers who are in the ministry of deliverance.

Their seven-day-a-week occupation is casting demons out of people. And they have professional expertise in this and they happen to meeting - be meeting right now. My wife is one of them. She's written a whole book called "How to Cast Out Demons." And I don't do that much; once in a while, when I get in a corner, I might. But that's been her ministry."

With Doris and Peter Wagner increasingly plagued by age-related health ailments, Bill and Janet Sudduth are clearly favored to lead, along with Lifeline Healing Rooms* heads ICA apostle Cal Pierce and his wife Michele Pierce, the deliverance ministry segment of C. Peter Wagner's apostolic network empire.

*Note: Apostle Julius Oyet, who considerable evidence suggests is a member of the International Coalition of Apostles, and claims to have co-authored Uganda's notorious "kill the gays" bill, runs a Uganda branch of Lifeline Healing Rooms.

Longer TRANSCRIPT (of featured Bill Sudduth video)

"The Lord actually gave me a strategy for dealing with this strongman of Freemasonry. You know, we know Baal is the Prince of Demons, and he's the, he is the strongman. But the stronghold that he uses in the United States of America, and even other nations in the world, is Freemasonry. And for twelve years Janet and I have dealt with Freemansonry, taking people through deliverance and inner healing, and breaking the curses of Freemasonry. But our whole nation, the structure of our nation, is built on a mixture of the holy and the profane, and that profane is Freemasonry.

So for the last year I've been trying to go state to state, work with the prayer networks in that state, and organize a prayer meeting where we actually address it. The strategy the Lord gave me was to do two hour-long teachings on Freemasonry. And, interestingly enough, as I was dealing with Freemasonry

and preparing for this task, I was amazed at the connection with Freemasonry and the spirit of Islam--and Freemasonry, through the Shriners, is an open door in this nation to radical Islam, and the tremendous connection that we've found.

So the strategy the Lord gave me was two teachings on Freemasonry, a teaching on Islam, and then breaking the curses of Freemasonry off the group that's assembled, also breaking the curses of Islam, there's a prayer for that, off of that group.

And then doing identificational repentance by three different individuals: number one, by a government or state employee, of that state, repenting on behalf of their state repenting for their state's involvement in Freemasonry--again, mixing the holy and the profane. Also a pastor repenting on behalf of the clergy, on behalf of the body of Christ, for actually the church being part of Freemasonry, advancing Freemasonry.

Many early Freemason meeting were held in churches, uh, in various states. There's always been a connection between Freemasonry and the body of Christi that needs to be severed. So the pastor repents, and then we have an ex-Mason or Eastern Star repent on behalf of the family, for family involvement and for all of the hell and the curses it brings into families, of Freemasons. Freemasons bring curses on their families through the blood oaths and the vows that they proclaim in the various degrees.  

We've actually seen four main fruit in the descendent of Freemasons. A lot of folks ask, "Well, how do I know if I have Masonic in my background?"

Well, the four main fruits are this--and if you have all four you certainly have Freemasonry in your background. The number one fruit is breathing difficulties: usually Asthma, Emphysema, allergies, some kind of breathing difficulty. That comes in from the noose around the neck in the First Degree of Freemasonry. A spirit of choking comes in.

Second, we see in the descendants of Masons, a lot of perversion--usually in the form of child molestation. Very often the descendant of Masons is molested as a child, sexually, not necessarily by the Mason by by someone.

And we need to understand the spiritual dynamic; once the enemy has been given a legal right, he will exercise that right and he'll get his due. And that comes in through them mixing the holy and the profane in their ceremonies. They'll have an altar, that the initiate swears upon a book, and the book can be the Bible but they also have a Koran, on that altar, they have the law of Confucius, they have the Hindu Vedas and the Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry.

They also have Masonic Bibles in print. They actually have the holy Bible but they have masonic imagery - a Horus, the All-Seeing-Eye, the Compass, the Square, the various degree work--all in the Bible. That mixing of the holy and the profane brings in a spirit of error.

And the spirit of error will manifest in deception, it will manifest as a lying spirit and as a perverse spirit--and that's where the molestation and perversion comes in. Also, the descendants of Masons often deal with a lot of anger and a lot of fear, sometimes crippling fear. And, again, it's all the results of the rites and rituals, the ceremonies that their grandfather or their father or some ancestor has gone through and placed these vows and curses on the families.

So anyway, we are doing this, we are dealing with Islam, we are dealing with Freemasonry, we do have a DVD available, it's called "Freemasonry: Unlocking Their Secrets" - uh, this is actually the teachings on Freemasonry, part one and part two, that we did at the Minneapolis, Minnesota state meetings, and they were done very professionally. We also have the hour-long prayer of release that we do on here, and you can get the DVD from our website, you can contact our ministry for that, also for the teaching and the prayer of release for Islam. I don't have a copy to show you but it is on our website.

So I would encourage you, if you're in one of the states that we have not done yet, and you would know, I think, as a member of Global Spheres, if we've done your state--if not, contact our office and find out if your state has been done. I have nineteen states right now that I have not scheduled, and I need to not only schedule them but do the meetings by October 7th. So if you can help us we'd appreciate it."

From what I know, the Masons don't welcome arguments on religion in their meetings or other gatherings. Perhaps Sudduth's objection to the Masons is that they don't want their members preaching to each other about their respective religious faiths, and that the NAR doesn't control their membership? As a Catholic, I've seen similar loony arguments from right-wing Catholics about the Masons, and they are just as awesomely stupid as are Sudduth's remarks. Sudduth also doesn't discuss the fact that in the last 40 years, membership in many fraternal organizations like the Masons, the Knights of Columbus, the Moose, and similar groups has been falling off.

by khughes1963 on Wed Oct 12, 2011 at 03:22:33 PM EST

We also have the hour-long prayer of release that we do on here, and you can get the DVD from our website,

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