Fox News Suggests Rabbis Protesting Beck Are In the 'Vast Soros Conspiracy' Too
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Jan 29, 2011 at 12:03:56 PM EST
Part of the grim underlying reality of this ongoing saga, the stirrings of Jewish protest against the sort of Jew-baiting that Texas megapastor John Hagee and other evangelicals have been doing for years, which Glenn Beck has now picked up, is that the group of 400 rabbis who have written a letter to Fox News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch, concerning Glenn Beck's attacks on Holocaust survivor George Soros, appear to have taken on an organizational mandate which, once upon a time, was championed by the Anti Defamation League.
Glenn Beck has not only suggested that George Soros bears some personal responsibility for the Nazi theft of property from Holocaust victims, he has repeatedly claimed that Soros is part of a vast international conspiracy - a thinly veiled contemporary analog to the early 20th Century anti-Jewish conspiracy theories used to whip up hatred against Jews in America, Europe, and especially Nazi Germany.

As described in a Yahoo news story, Fox's official response doubles down on Beck's Jew-baiting by insinuating that the group of rabbis who wrote the protest letter to Murdoch were themselves part of the alleged Soros conspiracy.

The letter, addressed to News Co