Religious right wingers blame Jared Loughner's actions on atheism and occultism
Diane Vera printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Jan 18, 2011 at 07:50:48 PM EST
Various religious right wingers have blamed the Tuscon shootout on Jared Loughner's atheism and/or a highly questionable perception that he has dabbled in the occult.

In  New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists by Lauri Lebo, Religion Dispatches, January 11, 2011, the apparently-fake "ex-terrorist" Walid Shoebat is quoted as making over-the-top claims that atheism inherently leads to murder.  A somewhat less fevered version of this same claim has been made on the Human Events site (in "Loughner's Nihilism," January 17, 2011) by Gary Bauer.

Loughner's alleged "occult" connection is based on the New York Daily News story Frightening, twisted shrine in Arizona killer Jared Lee Loughner's yard by Matthew Lysiak and Lukas I. Alpert, January 10, 2010.  As one can easily see by Googling "Loughner occult," lots and lots of right wingers have had a field day with this.

In the New York Daily News story, the first several paragraphs claim:

A sinister shrine reveals a chilling occult dimension in the mind of the derange