More about Jared Loughner's politics, plus some conspiracy debunking resources
Diane Vera printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Jan 18, 2011 at 04:31:23 PM EST
Very few commentators have noticed Loughner's interest in the rather arcane teachings of one David Wynn Miller, a leader in the "sovereign citizen" movenent, which is a branch of the so-called "Patriot" movement.  (For a collection of relevant links, including some debunking of "sovereign citizen" claims, see my earlier post Jared Lee Loughner and the "sovereign citizen" movement here on Talk To Action.)

More widely noted was his fondness for the popular conspiracy video Zeitgeist, which has been aptly described, on Boing Boing, as "the John Birch Society on acid" (Jay Kinney reviews Zeitgeist, the Movie, posted by Mark FrauenFelder, August 6, 2007).  It is a paradoxical blend of hippie attitudes and extreme right wing economic views, plus grand conspiracy claims derived from extreme right wing sources.

Part 3 of Zeitgeist (debunked here by Edward L Winston, November 29th, 2007) features a collection of standard right wing conspiracy claims involving the Federal Reserve and income tax, as commonly advocated by nearly everyone in the so-called "Patr