Mark Silk on the Hagee / Rodriguez Entente
Silk is exactly right, and I've been covering the political dimensions of the emergent ethnically diverse Christian right for several months now. While liberal and left-wing thinkers tend to see conservative evangelicals as uniformly racist, that's a half-truth at best. John Hagee has for years pioneered the formation of a new Christian right which holds much of the typical fare of far-right Christian ideology (the coming New World Order, for example) but also discards much of the traditional racial animus that's become associated in recent decades with the Republican Party and the American right. Hagee's views can seem positively enlightened, indeed, unless one happens to be a liberal Jew ; then, according to Hagee, one might be a "half-breed Jew" descended from a demonic lineage that traces to Esau and gave rise to Adolf Hitler. But excepting Jews, liberals, gays, communists, socialists, and other typically groups often maligned by the hard right, John Hagee's approach is indeed a bigger tent - that African Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and almost all ethnic groups can enter without much, if any, fanfare. Plus ça change...
Mark Silk on the Hagee / Rodriguez Entente | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
Mark Silk on the Hagee / Rodriguez Entente | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)