If Abortion is Murder what do you do with the Killers?
This is a video I found today of a guy who interviewed pro-life activists at an anti-abortion rally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD97OVJ4PNw The interviewer asked the question, "What do you do with all of the women who commit illegal abortions?" (If abortion is made illegal.) Nobody in the video seems to be able to answer the question. The idea is that if you make something illegal and somebody breaks the law, you are to be punished under the law. I have never thought about the actual repercussion for doing something illegal in the same context of convicted murderer. There has never been a connection with abortion being murder to me. Making abortion illegal creates problems for everyone. American courts make examples out of criminals to deter more crime. Capital offenses usually are dealt with capital punishment. (Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.) Making abortion illegal today presents a real big problem for women and the doctors who perform them. (Clinics that help woman... conspiracy to commit murder.) I don't think about the reproductive rights of women too much because I am not a woman. However, seeing the question asked in the video triggered new thoughts and opinions. Usually, activists understand the pros and cons of their socio-political position. Activists are usually driven by a desire to make right. The activists/protesters in this video do not know why they are protesting. Its like they have been told to go stand on a corner with a sign to advertise. They are not there to inform, but repeat an idea that has be told to them. I wonder if the question followed them home... I thought that this might be a good example of the followers of anti-democracy types.
Here's the link to Wordpress where I found the blog that introduced me to the video;
If Abortion is Murder what do you do with the Killers? | 0 comments ( topical, 0 hidden)