Biblical support for abortion, who knew?
I learned something new today. In the Hebrew Scriptures (i.e. the Old Testament) the law laid down that where a woman was assaulted, she was to be paid damages according to the severity of her injuries. If, at the time of the assault, she was pregnant and suffered a miscarriage, she was to be paid damages for the loss of the baby ONLY AFTER 'quickening' (the time she first felt the baby's movements) -- which occurs around the 20th week of pregnancy. Prior to that, the loss of the baby was not treated as the loss of a separate life that warranted compensation. It can therefore be argued that an abortion prior to around 20 weeks of pregnancy is not biblically regarded as the loss of a separate life. (source: Understanding Philosophy for A2 Level, Nelson Thomas, Cheltenham,UK, 2005, by Roy Jackson et. al., p. 114) Now to go and find the Biblical references.....
Biblical support for abortion, who knew? | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
Biblical support for abortion, who knew? | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)