John Hostettler has co-sponsored the "Christian Supremacy Act" (
HR 2679 ) that is coming up for a vote Tuesday, September.
Who is John Hostettler ? Well, here are a few vignettes that should help us to triangulate a bit on Indiana's 8th District Federal Congressional Representative. ( also see a fairly well fleshed out Wikipedia article on Hostettler )
Mr. Hostettler seems to have some distinctly odd views. I wouldn't want to lump his interest in carrying concealed weapons among those, but his estimation of his ability to get concealed automatic weapons past security checkpoints seems a bit off to say the least.
Moving along, Hostettler may hold the belief that breast-cancer survivors have all had abortions ( in reference to a Christian right claim of an abortion-breaast cancer link, to slightly notorious ( by now ) incident from September 2002. )
Here's Hostettler receiving an award from D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries ( scroll approx 1/2 - 2/3 way down page ) . Who is D.James Kennedy ? - Here's a quote :
Our job is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society. - D. James Kennedy
John Hostettler can be found at Christian nationalist homeschooling legal-defense conferences and in attendance to support Indiana's new generation of young republicans, and he doesn't much like immigrants ( and, he demands action on that issue ) or ( see below ) gays - or at least the right of gays to marry.
Here's Hostettler inveighing against Massachusett's legalization of same-sex marriages in an op-ed for the American Conservative union Foundation :
Thirty-eight states already protect traditional marriage under DOMA. By exercising this Constitutional legislative authority we can preserve each state's traditional right to determine its own marriage policies without federal court interference.
There is a radical element in America working to change our dictionaries, our Bibles, our traditions and our laws. But it's not the institution of marriage that needs redefining. It is our understanding of the federal courts and the limitations placed on them by the U.S. Constitution. Equipped with knowledge, the American people can reclaim the governance that is rightfully theirs.
Hostettler opposes highways with 'smutty' names such Interstate 69
Hostettler, a proponent of the interstate extension, agrees. "Every time I have been out in the public with an `I-69' button on my lapel, teenagers point and snicker at it. I have had many ask me if they can have my button. I believe it is time to change the name of the highway. It is the moral thing to do."
John Hostettler is alleged, also ( I can't verify this ) to made statements, while running for office in 1994, to the effect that "the Jews killed Jesus" and in support of individuals to own any weapon the government has in its arsenal including nuclear weapons( From, unverified ).