Babies, Anglicans and the End of the Reformation
Deacon Tim printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 11:17:01 PM EST
I, for one, am really glad that the "orthodox Anglicans" have finally come out of their Papist closets and told us that, not only do they think some people (women, gays and lesbians) are not full members of the Body of Christ, but that the Bible commands Christians to have lots of babies.
Stand Firm in Faith, the website of all things kooky in North American Anglicanism, features an interesting take on evangelism from Fr. Matt Kennedy, a self-proclaimed "orthodox Anglican" priest. Fr. Matt tells us that the traditionalists will eventually win out over progressives when they adopt his "longer term (potential) strategic advantage that orthodox Anglicans should enjoy over our Worthy Opponents: babies."

That's it, conservatives: be fruitful and multiply those little orthodox babies. Because everybody knows that progressives abort all their pregnancies, the result of their drug-crazed orgies. It's after all, what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 28:18-20 when he said: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

What, you missed it in that explicit command to have lots of children? Then you just have failed to see that "evangelism and reproduction are two prongs of the same mission, establishing God's dominion, his kingdom authority, over the earth." And those traditionalists who practice coitus interruptus or any other wicked, non-reproductive sexual act? They are, in Fr. Matt's word, "selfish." Why do you think that hair is growing on your palm? And that you can't read this without your bi-focals?

And this is not optional. "In the long term, obedience to God in this regard is key to restoring orthodox Christianity in the west." Yep, Fr. Matt's fatwa is about obedience to God.

Unfortunately, for Fr. Matt's neo-Augustinian sexual ethic, he can't cite a single New Testament text as a basis for his argument. That's because there isn't one. To assert that the story of Adam and Eve and the divine imperative to "fill the earth" has anything to do with a Christian worldview only shows what lousy theologians these people are.

It's just another attempt to roll back Anglicanism to those glorious days when the Bishop of Rome was the Head of the Church, the Vicar of Christ on Earth. Too bad we had a Reformation. Too bad we learned about salvation by grace. Too bad we had a Savior who didn't produce any children (Dan Brown notwithstanding). Too bad we have a goofy Church dominated by goofy, self-absorbed wind-bags.

Why should I fret, since my wife and I have five wonderful children? I fret because dominionist theology now permeates what remains of Anglican theology. Can a celibate priesthood be far behind?


I agree that Dominionism has gained quite a foothold in the Anglican communion.  Unlike Domionist theology, true Anglican theology is a living thing, growing and evolving over time.  This is necessary for a living church.  But it's frightening.  It's often easier to put your faith in a set of precepts rather than in a living, creative God. 

The harder-core often cite the ordination of the first woman priest as the watershed event when the Episcopal Church turned its back on God.  Then came the ordination of Bishop Robinson.  Given the rights of Episcopalians to choose their own bishops and priests, these should have been side issues at most.  But this culture is very afraid of homosexuals and women in power.

Of course Dominionists want to make Anglicanism more like Mother Rome.  It's much safer to have authorities make decisions for you.

So fear is the real enemy.  It's the lifeblood of Dominionism and most of what is wrong with the left.

As for making more babies, that strategy works very well.  Why do you think the Pope is so opposed to birth control? 


by mkerby on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 11:27:46 AM EST

and the Episcopal Church MUST revive our prophetic voices to give the Episcopal Church a renewed sense of it's own imperative value.  In March The Interfaith Alliance of New York's capital district will be producing a conference on the Religious RIght.  The name for the conference is Recovering Our Voice.  We're hoping to include some of the main page writers from talk2action.  I have to get a more definitive sense of what the workshops topics will be before I decide who the workshop leaders and keynote speakers will be.  One thing about the workshops is established.  They will include topics about building the strength and a public platform for the work of social justice in the face of destructive forces.  I'm in the enviable position of being a layman instead of a religious professional  I can't be fired.

by tikkun on Tue Aug 22, 2006 at 09:50:57 AM EST

I left the Episcopal church because of the hard turn towards fundamentalism and dominionism.

My wife have had a history of abuse from the Episcopal Church, including

  1. Being thrown out of a parish because we're Native Americans
  2. Both of us experiencing mental, spiritual, and even PHYSICAL abuse from the clergy.  I once was even thrown against a wall while having my health/life threatened by a priest.  The whole time he was ranting about submitting to his authority.  I still don't know what I did wrong! My wife was regularly belittled and treated as a nobody/lowlife in SEVERAL parishes.
  3. Being told by the local Bishop, Howe, that he does not plan, nor will he ever plan on having a ministry to Native Americans- although there are tens of thousands of us in Florida, many of whom need ministry.  He also rejected my looking into ordination, because I cannot go the "regular route" due to health and financial issues.
  4. Being lied to by the clergy.  I came to the realization that the clergy of the parish I used to attend had been lying to us about their goals and beliefs.
  5. Being insulted by church members when the hard turn occured.  Suddenly I was no longer a human being because I rejected "intelligent design" and creationism.  At the same time, a man I USED to consider one of my best friends let loose with his real opinion on homosexuals- he advocated MURDERING them (aka stoning them as recommended by the Old Testament).

Part of this can be attributed to the county in which we live- Polk County, Florida- known to many academics and others as Bigot Central, USA.  The rest has more to do with the sorts of people attracted to today's priesthood.

I'm not surprised at the trend towards the Roman church.  It fits right in with the changes I've seen.

Do you want to know what is the cause of all of this?  TOP DOWN HEIRARCHIAL THINKING. The greed for power.

We can only take so much- we're gone, and very unlikely to ever return.  I mailed a letter to the outgoing and incoming Presiding Bishops about the treatment we received at the hands of the Episcopal church.  The outgoing PB just referred me back to Howe- SOURCE OF PART OF THE PROBLEM.  We've also mailed Howe (in the past), and he ignored us.  We will see if the new PB pays any attention or not.  I don't expect it.  

by ArchaeoBob on Fri Aug 25, 2006 at 11:23:25 AM EST

Bob, your comment really touched me. I am from Polk County, Florida and was ordained by Bishop Howe, but I had to leave that Diocese due to the increasingly hard right stance being taken there. I do want to be clear that not all Episcopalians are of the Central Florida variety, and that Diocese's latest moves to leave the Episcopal Church show that they are out of the mainstream. Still, the Domionists are working with weapon at their disposal to destroy what remains of the Via Media. God's blessings on your journey.

by Deacon Tim on Sun Aug 27, 2006 at 07:13:54 PM EST

What a horrible experience for you and your wife.  I only wish you were in a more typical dicoese.  Florida is a running joke in the rest of the country.  When the Diocese of Ohio was looking for a new bishop, we had one fellow from Florida who applied. He simply stood out as a complete outlier from another universe.

I hope you wrote to the presiding bishop about your experience.  If you haven't done it yet, please do so

If you've given up on our church, I wish you well in your search for a new spritual home.

This makes me furious, These creeps and the IRD that funds and supports them deserve a hot seat in the 9th circle of hell.  But I'm not taking off.  It's my church and I'm going to take somebody down.

by tikkun on Fri Sep 08, 2006 at 05:25:40 PM EST

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