Covenant Network of Presbyterians
Covenant Network of Presbyterians Covenant Network's Program Commitments We are committed to helping the church stay together in faithful ministry, even as we continue to study the Scriptures and seek the mind of Christ on the question of ordination standards and other matters. In addressing a broad range of theological, biblical, pastoral, and ecclesiastical matters facing our church, Covenant Network will
* Articulate a traditional, progressive, mainstream vision of the Presbyterian Church through publications, scholarship, and conferences; Covenant Network's Program Committments Covenant Network was formed in 1997 to support passage of Amendment (97)-A to the Book of Order, the "Fidelity and Integrity" amendment intended to give sessions and presbyteries more discretion in discerning God's call for ordained office on particular people, within clear Biblical and confessional standards. Amendment A was not affirmed by a majority of presbyteries in voting during the winter and spring of 1998. Consequently the former "Amendment B" remains in the Book of Order, the constitution of the church, as G-6.0106(b). Although the amendment failed to pass, 46% of the votes cast in presbytery meetings that year favored Amendment A. Recognizing that the issues raised by that debate are representative of wider challenges facing the church as it seeks to be faithful in a time of controversy and change, Covenant Network is continuing and growing.
Covenant Network of Presbyterians | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
Covenant Network of Presbyterians | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)