Father Jake Busts Episcopalian Rev. Paul Zahl On "gay brownshirt steamroller" Hate Speech
Father Jake, author of the blog "Father Jake Stops The World", covers the ideological battles within the Epsicopalian church with an acumen perhaps unmatched on the net - or even off of it.
Jake also does not cotton to hate speech [ link to post ]:
"Just two weeks ago, the Rev. Paul Zahl, dean of the conservative Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, compared the election of a gay bishop in California to "a terrorist bomb". One would think that the high level of negative publicity he received would have been cause for Dean Zahl to be a bit more careful in choosing his words. Apparently not. Here's an excerpt from his latest contribution to the conversation":
...There is a steamroller out there called the gay agenda or lobby, and it is unsparing of all dissent. It is an external force, and is absolutely focused...
...You have this army of Brown Shirts - the steamroller of what we now call "revisionism" - - and it is taking no prisoners...
Now there's a lovely image; a steamroller named "The Gay Agenda", with an "army of Brown Shirts" at the controls.
Jake ges on to note that Zahl drags "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" into the whole mess.
Meanwhile, last November, The Daily Show investigated the effect "The Gay Agenda" has had on Massachusetts, and you can watch the shocking conclusions courtesy of Crooks and Liars |