Christian Theocrats to Women: "Abstinence or Death"
Felix Barrett printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Apr 18, 2006 at 02:23:30 PM EST
This article documents the supression of a vaccine for cervical cancer by the Bush Administration and the religious right. The supression of this vaccine could cost thousands of lives in the U.S.

Suppression of Vaccine for Cervical Cancer

Christian Theocrats to Women: “Abstinence or Death”

Imagine a society that discovered a vaccine for a type of cancer, a vaccine that would save thousands of lives, but powerful forces in the government didn’t want it to be used because it conflicted with their religious beliefs. Well, you don’t have to imagine because this is what’s going on today in George W. Bush’s America.

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. Although most of the strains of the virus are relatively benign, HPV is the cause of most cases of cervical cancer, a disease that kills more than 250,000 women each year worldwide, striking hardest in the poorest countries where basic gynecological health care is rare or nonexistent. Nearly 4,000 women die of cervical cancer each year in the United States, where poor women without access to basic health care are also the hardest hit.

Two large pharmaceutical companies have developed vaccines that would prevent two strains of HPV that are responsible for approximately 70% of all cervical cancer, according to an article in the New Scientist magazine. The vaccines have proved extraordinarily effective. One study followed 12,000 women for two years; half were given the vaccine and half a placebo. Twenty-one of the women who received the placebo developed the cellular abnormalities that are associated with cancer and other diseases. No women in the vaccinated group showed any sign of the virus.

"This is a cancer vaccine, and an immensely effective one," the Nobel laureate David Baltimore, President of the California Institute of Technology, told Michael Specter of New Yorker magazine. "We should be proud and excited. It has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives every year."

The HPV vaccines are now under review by the FDA,and approval is expected this year. What happens then will be determined in large part by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which makes recommendations on how a vaccine should be used. In order for the vaccine to be effective, girls would need to be inoculated with it before they become sexually active, and the vaccine would need to be required, like vaccinations for other contagious diseases, such as measles and mumps, before children enter public school.

It is unlikely that this will be the case with the HPV vaccine because powerful forces in the government argue that eliminating the threat of infection would only encourage teenagers to have sex. "I personally object to vaccinating children when they don't need vaccinations, particularly against a disease that is one hundred percent preventable with proper sexual behavior," said Leslee J. Unruh, the founder and president of the Abstinence Clearinghouse.

"Premarital sex is dangerous, even deadly. Let's not encourage it by vaccinating ten-year-olds so they think they're safe," said Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma.

In 2003, Bush appointed Reginald Finger, a doctor trained in public health who served as a medical analyst for the Christian fascist group Focus on the Family, to the ACIP. Finger said, "Some people have raised the issue of whether this vaccine may be sending an overall message to teenagers that 'We expect you to be sexually active.'”

“I never thought that now, in the twenty-first century, we could have a debate about what to do with a vaccine that prevents cancer,” said David Baltimore. “What moral precepts allow us to think that the risk of death is a price worth paying to encourage abstinence as the only approach to sex?”

The Bush administration’s opposition to any drug, vaccine, or initiative that could be interpreted as lessening the risks associated with premarital sex did not start with the HPV vaccine. It has made every effort to diminish the use of condoms as a method of birth control and AIDS prevention in the United States and throughout the world, a policy that has cost many thousands of lives.

Several years ago, the Centers for Disease Control removed a fact sheet about condoms from its web site. After more than one year the fact sheet reappeared, but instructions on how to use condoms had been replaced by a scientifically inaccurate message saying that condoms were ineffective. The CDC also removed a summary of studies that showed there was no increase in sexual activity among teenagers who had been taught about condoms.

"They were the most horrific examples of manipulating science I have ever seen," a former senior official at the CDC told the New Yorker. "Abstinence is the only thing that matters to this crowd." He asked not to be identified because he is dependent upon receiving government funds in his current job.

Government policy also requires that one-third of HIV-prevention spending—both in the U.S. and worldwide—goes to "abstinence until marriage" programs, which have demonstrated to be ineffective in preventing the spread of HIV. Since Bush became President, the United States has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on abstinence programs, and it has cut almost that much in aid to groups that support abortion and the use of condoms.

“I always thought it was a bit much to talk about a 'Taliban wing' of the Republican Party,” columnist Ellen Goodman wrote in the Boston Globe.“After all, the real Taliban stoned women to death if they had sex out of wedlock. What sentence would our Taliban choose? Cancer?”

This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolution Online

Cervical cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths of women in the third world, and there is no screening infrastructure (Pap smears) to catch this potentially preventable disease. A vaccine would be highly significant in preventing suffering and death, at a potentially low cost. The vaccines won't be produced if there isn't a major first world market, and I would expect the drug companies to just sit on the patent if the vaccines didn't look profitable. (As we all know from the HIV/AIDS crisis, enforcement of intellectual property rights definitely impedes transfer of therapies to lower cost third world producers and thus prevents treatment of third world citizens.)

by NancyP on Tue Apr 18, 2006 at 11:55:18 PM EST

There's been a tonne of articles posted on that recently (and good thing too, this needs a LOT more publicity IMHO).

A few good selections:

Life and Death: Just Don't Think About It (good summary, includes discussion of the HPV vaccine controversy as well as details of anti-abortion laws in El Salvador that are so strict that they force women to carry ectopic pregnancies till their fallopian tubes rupture (which pretty much kills any future chances at having kids); I discuss in comments a precursor controversy (dominionists' prior and present objections to the hepatitis-B vaccine on similar grounds) and discusses how one little noted reason for objection is that it eliminates a possible anti-gay talking point)

More on "moral refusal" and women (talking on "moral refusal" clauses and how the application is expanding now to refusing even post-abortion antibiotics and any medications prescribed by women's clinics; I will not be surprised to see, should the HPV vaccine be approved, pushes to expand "moral refusal" clauses to giving the jab)

"Moral refusal" extends to healthcare in general (details how LGBT people are being refused reproductive assistance and reproductive health services by docs)

TruLuv: Faith-Based Embryos (notes on dominionist "moral refusal" clauses, notes my speculation (sadly, confirmed in El Salvador) that women may be forced to carry ectopic pregnancies and "molar pregnancies" to term (the latter being a type of uterine cancer that develops from either placental tissue or an embryo whose development goes horribly wrong--in other words, these are essentially cancers of the embryo, and can only occur during pregnancies))

Dominionism: Pro-cancer, pro-birth-defects, pro-domestic-abuse (discusses in detail the HPV vaccine controversy, also in context discusses general war on birth control, dead-agenting of the March of Dimes (in claiming--falsely--the March of Dimes is a pro-abortionist group simply because the March of Dimes hasn't issued a formal statement saying Abortion Is Evil), and even working to create new forms of marriage that would make it next to impossible for an abused spouse (or a spouse who discovers the other spouse is abusing the children) to leave an abusive spouse)

"Every Zygote Is Sacred", or "Can I have my birth control, already?" (discusses HPV vaccine controversy in context of general war on reproductive health by dominionists, notes that other drugs that can be used against STD infections (specifically Zovirax, an antiherpetic which can be used for non-STD indications and frequently is) are being denied people under "moral refusal" clauses and under similar claims by dominionists; unfortunately, such reports are becoming more common (see in "More on 'moral refusal' and women", detailing refusals of post-abortion antibiotics and all prescriptions from a women's clinic by some pharmacists))

In fact, Talk2Action's entire section on Reproductive Rights is good to note (though it also misses a lot of good diary entries on the subject).

by dogemperor on Wed Apr 19, 2006 at 08:28:32 AM EST

To the reproductive rights section.

There are more diary posts which should be in that section, I'm sure, but it's a start.  

by Bruce Wilson on Thu Apr 20, 2006 at 04:59:35 PM EST

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