Synergy with Street Prophets
Jeffrey Feldman writes a follow-up to the saga of Indianapolis House Speaker Brian Bosma we have been talking a lot about on this site lately -- including some news of a democratic challenger. Chuck Currie has a discussion of the growing relationship between the Institute on Religion and Democracy and the ever-nasty David Horowitz's Front Page magazine. And Pastordan has a piece that I think is a logical companion to my discussion of Learning to Do Democracy. He writes, part: two things occur to me off the top of my head. One is that we need a more neutral way of talking about our moral commitments, how we form them and how we work with them. One of the reasons we can call the faith-vs-reason thing worthless is that its vocabulary has simply become far too charged. It's as idiotic as the "liberal" vs. "conservative" thing, another dyad that we can't seem to shake loose or scrape off our shoes. We can't, of course, for the same reason that the debates at hand won't soon be gone, in this political season or many to come: they are stand-ins not just for our deep moral commitments, but for power, and how we constellate it. He also explains the meaning of "floccinaucinihilipilification."
Synergy with Street Prophets | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)
Synergy with Street Prophets | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)