A Modest Christmas Gift For A Christian Crusader ?
First of all, Representative Hayes is to be commended for his apparent shift in position, from that of blaming the Iraqis for the civil war that has followed the initial US invasion, towards a violently loving (or lovingly violent), proactive approach. Observers have taken NC Representative Robin Hayes' recent statement, alleged to have been made recently at a NC Rotary Club meeting, as a suggestion that converting Iraqis to Christianity would bring peace to their violence wracked nation: that goal - if possible - would certainly end all of Iraq's many troubles. But, the likelihood is that would be a difficult project - for the estimated 650,000+ Iraqi casulties that have resulted from the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison and at other prisons in the country, and so on. As usual, the devil lies in the details, and so I would like to suggest that Talk To Action might purchase a copy of "Left Behind: Eternal Forces" so that friends in North Carolina could present the game, on behalf of Talk To Action and in a public ceremony, as a gift to Representative Hayes so he could simulate the forced religious conversion of a mass civilian population to Christianity, the population of NYC depicted in the video game, and perhaps in the process learn some valuable lessons that can be applied in his proposed venture. Talk To Action feels that "Left Behind: Eternal Forces", despite the sanitized, bloodless depiction of combat in the game, nonetheless presents a realistic view of religious warfare - in the game all must convert to Christianity or else be killed - that would be instructive for Representative Hayes should he choose to embark on his crusading venture. Additionally, the Left Behind Games Company may want to follow Hayes' lead with a sequel to their first videogame and produce a followup entitled "Left Behind: Iraqis Turn To Christ". Talk To Action has led coverage of the "Left Behind: Eternal Forces" video game with a groundbreaking series, by author Jonathan Hutson, that has been viewed so far by approaching a half million visitors to our site, and we now have close to 40 entries on the game.Therefore I feel I can say authoritatively that the game would serve Representative Hayes well in enabling him to express his crusading urges in the privacy of his own home or office. Talk To Action would, of course, only make such a gift if it conforms with existing laws governing contributions and gifts to political office holders.
Further, and on a practical note, if Mr. Hayes chooses to pursue this campaign of mass religious conversion of Iraqis as a personal venture ( obviously this would require he relinquish his seat in Congress ) Talk To Action would like to propose the establishment of a private citizen's fund to purchase an Ursus Mark VI Bear Suit, updated for resistance to RPG rounds and IED devices, so that Mr. Hayes can go door to door in Iraq winning hearts and souls for the Lord.
Bruce Wilson
A Modest Christmas Gift For A Christian Crusader ? | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
A Modest Christmas Gift For A Christian Crusader ? | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)