Giuliani addresses evangelical meeting
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Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 11:19:08 AM EST
From The Hotline

"Thousands of pastors and clergy attending a major evangelical soul-saving conclave in Orlando, FL tomorrow will hear from a most surprising guest: Ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

"Giuliani, a supporter of abortion rights and gay rights, has never publicly identified himself as an evangelical. He is a practicing Catholic. And he's known as a centrist Republican with libertarian instincts on some social issues."

(the rest of the article is below the fold--(I still think of it as the "fold," but I think online it's called something else I can never remember)), but go to the article on The Hotline for the links within the article, entitled, "Giuliani: Soul Man.")

(Article continues below)

Matthew Mahoney, a Giuliani spokesman, said the mayor was "in town for another speech and was invited to speak" at the pastors' conference. He will not be paid for his appearance, Mahoney said.

The Global Pastors Network's "Billion Souls Pastors Conference" links Christian captains of industry with front-line evangelizers. The proximate goal: to get pastors to think about vision and strategy.

The ultimate goal, according to the Global Pastors Network: to seed five million new churches worldwide, which, in turn, will bring one billion men and women to Christ within ten years. (The phone number of GPN: 1-866-WIN-THEM)

Here's part of a GPN pitch: "For pastors who want to plant a stake in that billion souls, this is the event that will help to ensure that it becomes harder each day for a soul to die without Christ because you are doing your part and leading a church of active soul-winners."

Other speakers include the man Christianity Today called the "gold standard" of Pentecostalism, Jack Hayford, relationship expert Gary Smalley, dispensationalist John Hagee, pastor of a mega church, gospel singer Billy Joe Daugherty, Assemblies of God superintendent Dr. Thomas Trask, Carlos Beiart, the pastor of Argentina's largest church, Walt Disney World president Al Weiss, and Jerry Falwell. [MARC AMBINDER]


I wonder if that was some sort of "Freudian slip"...that phrase "planting a stake in ome billion souls"?  A unwilling acknowledgement that their long of "soul winning"  is  more likely "soul deadening"?

After all, wasn't the stake used to make sure that some corpses stayed in their graves, and wasn't the stake used to both "burn heretics and witches"?

Is their stake used to make sure the poor and powerless stay that way, and to make sure those who don't fit their defintion of "God's children"  are elminated?

Or am I just paranoid?
Pax Christi,
Ninure Saunders aka Rainbow Christian

by Ninure on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 11:39:44 AM EST

Actually, that may not even be a case of their Freudian slip showing.  (Yes, folks, it's time for yet another education in the darker side of dominion theology.)

In the particular flavours of dominion theology espoused in the pentecostal community in particular, one of the specific things it's believed that dominionists can "claim dominion and power over" is--quite literally--other people's souls.  The "unsaved" in these groups are quite literally not even looked at as human--they are looked at as, quite frankly, either "Fresh meat" for conversion or as The Enemy.  Not as people.

Especially in those pente sects that embrace "name it and claim it" or word-faith teachings (which are actually descended from dominion theology), this has led to quite the body of what is essentially Christianised hexing.  One of the most common methods of "praying the blood" over someone is to surreptitiously rub the possessions of a target--especially sleeping quarters and the bed of a target--with Wesson oil, and get a group of people to pray together that the person will be forced to do the dominionists' will "in the name of Jesus".  (The very chambers of the Senate were actually recently hexed in this fashion by a couple of Assemblies of God preachers deeply connected with dominionist movements.)   The Wesson oil used is not used for the purpose of blessing an object, but more as a territorial "marking" to "claim" that person "for Jesus".

One of the most common reasons for this "hexing" is to essentially force people to convert to pentecostalism--they quite literally pray that the person will be miserable, physically ill, even suicidal unless they convert and unless they spend all their waking hours in a dominionist church.  

There are variations on the idea of smearing people's possessions with Wesson oil; one of the most popular is writing down of the name of an "unsaved" target and having people pray over them en masse (again, hexing them to be miserable unless they convert).  Disturbingly, this has shown up at "See You At The Pole" events in multiple states where the names of "unsaved" students are nailed to crosses.  (The group sponsoring "See You At The Pole", National Network of Youth Ministries, is almost entirely composed of dominionist groups including multiple AoG front groups and multiple groups listed as spiritually abusive and coercive religious groups.)

So no, you're not exactly being paranoid there, unfortunately.

by dogemperor on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 01:45:40 PM EST

Let's see the guest-list (courtesy of which gives info about the little dominionist pow-wow)

the AoG's superintendent (wow, it's the denomination that spawned dominion theology itself, is the biggest practitioner of "name it and claim it" junk, and has a denomination-wide fetish for rubbing things with Wesson oil that predates even Jim Bakker's heyday)

Pastors of multiple large neopentecostal megachurches into "name it and claim it" nonsense (Carlos Belart is a big "name it and claim it" preacher in Hispanic countries) as well as a huge mess of people popular on the "travelling preacher" circuit in Assemblies of God and neopentecostal churches (many of the names you won't have heard of unless one is a walkaway from them)

the head of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (a church that is widely considered abusive, and which has multiple support forums for walkaways)

the head of Crown Financial (which is actually a supporter of dominionism I have not heard of before, but worth avoiding at any rate)

A mess of well known dominionists including Jerry Falwell, Ted Haggard, Truett Cathy (owner of Chick-Fil-A and a known corporate sponsor of dominionism), etc.

So yes, you've stumbled on QUITE the little hive of scum and villany here (as far as dominionism is concerned) and possibly even one of the major "coordinating committees" within the pentecostal community for such a thing.

No, you're not being one bit paranoid.  I'd say you're being appropriately cautious, to be honest.

by dogemperor on Thu Jan 26, 2006 at 02:04:39 PM EST

"one of the specific things it's believed that dominionists can "claim dominion and power over" is--quite literally--other people's souls."

I did not know that. It's disturbing. And yet, when I stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense. The act of naming anything is a way of laying claim to it usually, and an act of power. We didn't really need to Foucault to tell us that probably. Lots of naming and naming rituals in religion as far back as one can see, and then later in politics, then commerce, and, to be fair, academia. (And, of course, Adam in Genesis names all the animals . . . so they're all ours to do with as we wish, right? <eg>)  And dominionism is, at the end of the day, all about power, so the "name it, claim it" thing seems a natural out-growth.

by IseFire on Wed Feb 08, 2006 at 02:17:59 PM EST

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