White House Promotes CEO of "Stealth" Ministry Tied To The Religious Right
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Apr 25, 2012 at 05:12:27 PM EST
[image, right: Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey, on White House nationally televised human rights panel]

On Monday, as part of a policy initiative spearheaded by an address President Barack  Obama gave at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the White House live-streamed video of several panel discussions on human rights, one of which featured Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey.

(5 comments, 2259 words in story)
Taxpayer-Funded `Crisis Pregnancy Centers' Proselytize And Discriminate In Hiring
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Apr 25, 2012 at 01:37:56 PM EST
This weekend, Americans will rally all over the country to speak out against what is being called the "War on Women." Much of this "war" springs from fundamentalist Christian groups and the Roman Catholic hierarchy, which are determined to control the reproductive lives of Americans.

Naturally, this hits women the hardest. They are the ones who get pregnant, after all.

(2 comments, 840 words in story)
James Robison's Indivisible America
wilkyjr printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Apr 24, 2012 at 02:22:03 PM EST
I recall first learning of James Robison at a Christian revival meeting in Muskogee, Oklahoma.  It was reported that some felt James was the next Billy Graham. He was on track to speak to more people than Graham ever would.  
(7 comments, 1705 words in story)
AP Reports on Christian Right Child Sex Abuse Scandal
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Apr 24, 2012 at 01:17:06 AM EST
The Tom White child sex abuse scandal is going national.  A widely published Associated Press story has spread the news that White, age 64, the longtime executive director of the international Christian Right organization Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), apparently committed suicide last week as police investigated the alleged molestation of a ten year old girl.

I detailed the basics of the story and the implications for the wider Religious Right in a post here at Talk to Action on Sunday.

(1 comment, 424 words in story)
Right-Wing School Privatizers Funding Gay, Muslim Voucher Supporter in PA Democratic Primary
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Apr 23, 2012 at 02:11:57 AM EST
How far is the school privatization juggernaut willing to go to disguise and promote their agenda?  The Betsy DeVos-led American Federation for Children, through its PA affiliate Students First and its funding recipients, is financing the campaign of an openly gay, African American, Muslim woman for State Representative (188th District - West Philadelphia) in Pennsylvania's Democratic primary.
(4 comments, 2817 words in story)
Pedophilia and the Religious Right -- UPDATED
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 06:10:45 PM EST
The movement that claims that it is about defending and/or restoring the sacredness and primacy of the nuclear family far too often fails its own central value.  It also too often fails to come clean about the ways in which its own culture enables pedophiles and take appropriate action. It further notably fails in holding perpetrators accountable.

Given this movement's concern about the integrity of the family as among the highest of values, we would reasonably expect that it would hold itself to very high standards. But the simple truth is that that has not happened.

(5 comments, 1002 words in story)
Bishop Jenky's False Equivalences
Frank Cocozzelli printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 05:01:37 PM EST
In a recent sermon, Bishop Daniel Jenky of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, managed to embarrass himself and the Church by engaging in some of the most incendiary acts of false equivalence by any religious leader in recent years.

The primate of Peoria distinguished himself by equating non-dogmatic Catholics with Judas Iscariot, and President Obama's policies with those of Hitler and Stalin.

(6 comments, 871 words in story)
Christian Right, Targeting Gay Kiss, Is Ad It Again
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 02:38:56 PM EST
The Broadway tune goes "Love Makes the World Go 'Round." For the Christian Right, "Controversial ads make the cash registers sing."
Less than two months after launching its pathetically unsuccessful campaign to get the retailer JC Penney to dump Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson, the American Family Association's OneMillionMoms is attacking Urban Outfitters for its April catalog featuring an image of two young women kissing.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, "The company's president and CEO, Richard Hayne, is a known conservative and he donated over $13,000 to the Rick Santorum campaign." Hayne also donated $10,000 to Republican Meg Whitman's failed California gubernatorial run.

Inquiring minds want to know: Why would an conservative Christian group that calls itself OneMillionMoms and has only 40,000 members, be taken seriously?

(824 words in story)
Of Grudem, Green Dragons And Dr. Seuss: The Religious Right's War On Environmentalism
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 12:21:35 PM EST
Sunday is Earth Day, a time when a lot of us will be thinking about how we can better care for our planet to ensure it remains habitable for future generations.

Well, not all of us. Some people will be thinking about how the Bible says it's all right to pretty much do whatever we want with the Earth and not worry about a thing.

(1 comment, 846 words in story)
Invisible Children Touts Ties To NOM & Proposition 8 Funders
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 12:07:07 PM EST
"A-1 Self Storage was one of the original donors who helped the founders of Invisible Children travel to Uganda and make the documentary Invisible Children: The Rough Cut which led to the creation of Invisible Children, Inc the 510 C 3 non-profit organization... The contributions of A-1 Self Storage have been crucial to the growth and success of Invisible Children"

-- quote from current Invisible Children web page, crediting the Caster family business A1 Self Storage with providing crucial funding that launched Invisible Children. The Caster family was one of the biggest donors funding California's Proposition 8 and has just been exposed as one of the biggest funders, in 2008, of the virulently anti-LGBT rights National Organization For Marriage.

Today, Friday the 20th, two national human rights efforts will hold awareness events in American schools. One, the Gay, Straight, and Lesbian Education Network (GLSEN) will hold its annual Day Of Silence, to raise awareness about anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.

The other effort, Invisible Children, is also holding an event today, called "Cover The Night". While IC, behind the KONY 2012 viral video, states that it is pro-LGBT rights, the organization has extensive ties to the hard, antigay politicized evangelical right; in fact, Invisible Children's own website states that the organization was started with "crucial" seed money from one of the top funders of both California's anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8 and the anti-gay rights group the National Organization For Marriage.

(1 comment, 1926 words in story)
Invisible Children's "Cover the Night" is April 20 - on LGBT "Day of Silence"
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Apr 19, 2012 at 11:41:51 AM EST
Invisible Children has an extensive history of funding and promotion by anti-gay rights entities, summarized in this article.

The annual Day of Silence,initiated in 1996, has been observed in schools across the nation in an effort to protest the bullying and harassment of gay and lesbian students. Since 2000, the annual event has been sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight  Education Network (GLSEN), and since 2005 Religious Right organizations have sponsored very visible and widely-criticized efforts to counter this event.  This year the Day of Silence is competing with a different type of event - Invisible Children's week of activities closing with "Cover the Night," also on April 20.

(7 comments, 2001 words in story)
Invisible Children: A Trojan Horse for the Religious Right
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Apr 19, 2012 at 07:39:54 AM EST
In early March, Invisible Children burst onto the world stage with its KONY 2012 video promoting its "Stop Kony" campaign. The video focused on Joseph Kony, the Uganda warlord and leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, a guerrilla group with a long and violent history that includes turning kidnapped children into child soldiers.

The KONY 2012 video went mega-viral; surpassing 100 million views in six days and breaking previous records set by Susan Boyle's April 2009 appearance on the television program "Britain's Got Talent," which hit that mark in 9 days, and Lady Gaga's Bad Romance video, which took 18 days to surpass 100 million views.

Not long after the organization became a social media phenomenon, its co-founder Jason Russell was captured on video running naked along a busy San Diego street, cursing and ranting about the devil. That video also went viral.

While the video, and Russell's mental breakdown, have been extensively reported on, Invisible Children's broad connections to the Religious Right have not received much media attention.

(1 comment, 1088 words in story)

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