An Assassin's Motivation?
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Sat Aug 01, 2015 at 10:08:00 AM EST
On June 17, 2015, Dylann Roof quietly sat in the prayer meeting at African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina before he shot and killed 9 church members.  Journalists claim he was motivated by reading the postings from a group formerly known as the White Citizen's Council.  I wanted to repost the article I had about the organization.
     You can check out the group and easily see how a troubled young man, prone to drug use, might be easily influenced to do what he did.
The White Citizen's Council was known by critics as a white collar version of the Klan.  It was made up of professionals like lawyers and judges in contrast to the crude membership in the Klan who did the dirty work.  The WCC held the power and motivated the Klan. A deceased minister told me just about all the prominent white men in East Texas were members of the WCC during its time of popularity.  Bad publicity or liability often causes organizations to change their legal names.  The White Citizen's council is still alive and well living under the name Council of Conservative Citizens.

The Council of Conservative Citizens hit the media highways a few years ago when it was discovered Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi, had frequently spoken at gatherings.  It was also uncovered that the governor of the state, who was a national GOP officer had participated in meetings with the group.  Both politicians claimed they were not aware of the history of the group and just considered it a conservative caucus of sort.  Journalists had a hard time swallowing the prospect that state politicians in Mississippi did not know the make up of this powerful organization.  
     Though the name has changed, the agenda of the group has not fallen too far from the apple tree that birthed it.  A recent issue of its official magazine, Citizens Informer, brings with it revelations of the message the group wants to get across in the nation.
     The Informer states the principles of the organization.  The principles are to first of all promote the United States as an European country.  It thus opposes immigration of non- European peoples.   Racial mixing in marriage is condemned as well as affirmative action.  There is a bylaw warning about the New World order as a well as opposition to membership in NATO.  Globalization is   mentioned as a threat as well as a national police force.  The paper states the CofCC favors harsh punishment over so called rehabilitation of criminals.  Their web site is listed as
     Affirmative Action is strongly condemned in the paper which it claims force-fed unqualified minorities into the workplace.  This has led to reverse discrimination against whites.  Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are referred to as gangsters seeking to loot corporations.  Black CEOs were not competent to do their jobs Affirmative Action gave them.  They ended up doing some "real damage."  Their spin on the black man who headed Merrill-Lynch is indicative of the thrust of the magazine.  They figured the black CEO did not like the "Lynch" part of the name.
     One editor in the work wrote an article on mixed marriage.  He concluded, "The predictable assailant is a black man and the stock victim is a flabby, semi-retarded white tramp."
     Readers in the work are warned that the Christian church has replaced Christ worship with Negro worship. This,on top of the fact that the media does not like White American solidarity is a problem.  The work laments the fact that all ethnic groups in the country have an organization representing them except for White Americans.
    Confederate flags fill the photo section of gatherings.  One ad in the magazine warns in highlighted lettering, "Don't raise a Yankee!"  The ad promises to provide plenty of Gray and Blue information from a Tyler Texas purchasing agency.  
     State chapter highlights are chronicled in the work.  The link with TEA Party leaders in New York is made.  (Noteworthy, TEA Party claims  members have no links to racism.)    The Mississippi roundup of state activities is interesting.  Three of the speakers at recent gatherings of the Cof CC are pastors of local Baptist churches.  Thomas Floyd, a Baptist minister and member spoke Oct. 28, 2010 about the state of the nation.  He spoke about President Obama's "socialist regime."

Keep fighting for their zombie way of life they wish to keep alive. And at the rest of our expense.

They want their version of the American Dream. White, Christian, military oriented and want to carry on our imperial push that has been going on since the late 19th century. The Nordic love affair of all things white as being "superior" delusion that goes back to the 1600's and confluence of scientific racism, imperial expansion, and slavery which they turning black mostly where before the idea of what we call racism didn't exist as such.

Being part of the TEA party doesn't necessarily make one racist. Just more likely since it was taken over the by White Right.

by Nightgaunt on Sun Aug 02, 2015 at 02:11:06 PM EST

That was a good article. The heading itself is interesting, 'An Assassin's Motivation'. I am not sure whether an assassin is motivated to kill the people. cbd drug test Anyway, I have read the article completely and it shares a lot of information.

by MariyaDorothy on Fri Nov 06, 2020 at 03:03:17 AM EST

Irony for Dylann was the end result of his efforts.  The very flag he adored is now gone from the State building in South Carolina.  He is the cause for the flag no longer being posted.
I understand the church in Charleston has offered its forgiveness to the assassin.  

by wilkyjr on Sun Aug 02, 2015 at 06:25:22 PM EST

The tragic events associated with Dylann Roof's actions in Charleston, South Carolina, shed light on the influence of organizations like the White Citizen's Council, now known as the Council of Conservative Citizens.  cheap real diamond rings online It underscores the importance of understanding the historical context and the potential impact of such groups on individuals susceptible to radicalization, emphasizing the need for awareness and vigilance against hate ideologies.

by isabelladom on Thu Sep 07, 2023 at 12:16:28 AM EST

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