Rankism vs. the Golden Rule
Robert Fuller printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jul 26, 2012 at 09:39:03 PM EST

[This is the 17th in the series Religion and Science: A Beautiful Friendship.]

The Many Faces of Rankism

Rankism is a collective name for the various ways power can be abused in the context of a rank difference. It's a name broad enough to cover a wide range of rank-based indignities and abuses. Whereas rank is meant to serve, rankism is self-serving, a perversion of service.

Examples of rankism (some may overlap):
* Illegitimate uses of legitimate rank (e.g., a boss extorting money or sex from an employee)
* The creation or use of social hierarchies that condone degradation and exploitation (e.g., the social construct of white superiority and supremacy, the caste system)
* Damaging or degrading assertions of rank (e.g., hate crimes, sexual harassment, child abuse)
* Actions or social arrangements that violate the principle of equal dignity (e.g., racial segregation, lack of the franchise)
* Putting others down; disempowering them (name-calling or obfuscation by elites)
* Using the power inherent in rank to strengthen the hold on a senior position or otherwise advantage incumbents. (E.g., office-holders exploiting the advantages of incumbency to insure retention of