Oak Initiative veep resigns
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Wed Sep 14, 2011 at 04:09:18 PM EST

Well, that didn't take long.  Back on September 2, Rachel Tabachnick wrote a piece about Samuel Rodriguez' ties to the New Apostolic Reformation.  Rodriguez, for those who don't know, has been vice president of Rick Joyner's Oak Initiative.  I say "has" because after being confronted with the Oak Initiative's extreme stances by freelance journalist Greg Metzger, Rodriguez has resigned from the Oak Initiative. (h/t to Right Wing Watch)

Although I received glowing testimonies to Rodriguez's character before the interview, I was skeptical. My decades of experience with evangelical and fundamentalist leaders had taught me to hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Yet I found that Rev. Rodriguez was genuinely troubled by Tabachnik's charges. He challenged some of the details of her story, but on the principal point—his relationship with the Oak Initiative—he agreed that there was cause for concern. He knew instinctively as I read to him the Oak Initiative's views about Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood that this was an affront to what he wished to stand for. While he pleaded ignorance with regards to the details of the Oak Initiative's agenda and website (he claimed he had barely been involved), he assured me that by the end of the day he would resign from the Board and make clear his regret. Five hours later I received an email with his letter to the Executive Board of NHCLC responding to Tabachnik's article and detailing the steps he was taking to denounce extremism, steps that include his resignation from the board of the Oak Initiative. It was, as a mutual friend of mine and Samuel's put it, the most that could be hoped for.

In a statement, Rodriguez denounced "all vestiges of Islamophobia or any other platform that engages in fear-mongering."  However, one has to wonder about Rodriguez' sincerity, given the links that his National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference has.

Per the NHCLC Website, it has partnerships with Lou Engle's TheCall, as well as Ron Luce's Teen Mania.  Not exactly what I'd call mainstream.  So will Rodriguez put his money where his mouth is?  Inquiring minds want to know.

If he has resigned, the Oak Initiative is not in any hurry to announce it, nor has Samuel Rodriguez done what he is morally and politically obligated to do--make a public statement, as NHCLC president, apologizing for his mistake in joining the Oak Initiative and making quite clear that he repudiates the Oak Initiative agenda and politics.

In other words, Rodriguez' secondhand statement, through Metzger, has no force.

If Rev. Samuel Rodriguez wishes to continue to enjoy his current stature, he is obligated to act in a manner befitting a national political figure.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Sep 14, 2011 at 06:15:21 PM EST

This is a classic case of how to hold a public figure accountable.  Great work.

Clearly, Rodriguez has a ways to go in coming publicly clean, and it must not be easy.  But we can help him with that.

by Frederick Clarkson on Wed Sep 14, 2011 at 10:05:19 PM EST