1998: Texas School Board Showdown
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Sep 01, 2011 at 05:41:58 PM EST
Back in 1998, the Religious Right's long war for control of the Texas State Board of Education was hot, and by all reasonable measures, never stopped, and by all reasonable measures, has shown no signs of abating.  Here is the text of an article I wrote for In These Times magazine, (the article has not yet made it into the magazine's web archive).  It provides a snapshot of the nature of the battle and the stakes at the time.
Texas School Board Showdown:  The Christian Right Sets its Sights on the November Elections
by Frederick Clarkson
In These Times
July 26, 1998

        After four years, the smear campaign against Mary Knott Perkins is still the talk of East Texas. There is a wince in her voice as she tells the story of how she lost her seat on the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) to Donna Ballard, a Christian conservative firebrand.  "I'm a very traditional person," says Perkins, a Democrat and grandmother of seven. "I had never even been called a liberal. I'm a Methodist. But I was called an atheist and a feminist. I was accused of advocating masturbation for five year olds. My good name was sullied all over my district. Anybody going into politics today is going to face it."