Academic links
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Tue Mar 01, 2011 at 03:36:22 PM EST
Dominionism is starting to show up in academic publications.
A couple of days ago I decided to check again and see what was available about dominionism among peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.  There are a few articles now showing up when I do a specialized search (such as used by schools).  I tried this maybe three years ago and got only a couple of articles, which weren't of specific interest to me.

Here is the list in a Bibliographic type format:

Alex Schulman (2010). Kulturkampf and Spite: The Rehnquist Court and American "Theoconservatism". Law and Literature,, 22, 48-75.
Comaroff, J. L. (2009). Reflections on the Rise of Legal Theology. Social Analysis, 53, 193-216.
Ellis, C. & Irvine, L. (2010). Reproducing Dominion: Emotional Apprenticeship in the 4-H Youth Livestock Program. Society & Animals, 18, 21-39.
Hudson, G. (2009). Dominionism and Epistemology. Conference Papers -- Midwestern Political Science Association, , 1.
Huet-Vaugun, E. (2007). A danger to democracy. National Catholic Reporter, 43, 5-6.
Maltby, P. (2008). FUNDAMENTALIST DOMINION, POSTMODERN ECOLOGY. Ethics & the Environment, 13, 119-141.
Matthew N Lyons (2003). Fragmented Nationalism: Right-Wing Responses to September 11 in Historical Context. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,, 127, 37