Rescuing Rick Perry
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Oct 27, 2011 at 10:31:27 AM EST
In Quentin Tarantino's film "Pulp Fiction," Harvey Keitel plays Winston Wolf, an underworld problem solver. When two hit men, Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Jules Winfield (Samuel L. Jackson) accidentally shoot their informant Marvin in the face while driving, "The Wolf" is called in take charge of the situation. Under "The Wolf's" direction, the car is meticulously cleaned, the body is hidden in the trunk, and their bloody clothes are disposed of. "The Wolf" has taken care of everything in a timely manner.

While there's no murder scene to be cleansed, Texas Governor Rick Perry's campaign is shot full of holes. His poll numbers are down, his debate performances have been wretched, his credibility is shot, and his re-birthing of the birther card displayed continued poor judgment. His newly unveiled economic plan is a Forbesian rehash. For Team Perry, his billionaire backers and chums on the religious right, it's time to call in the big guns.

And that's where Joe Allbaugh, who, according to Karen Hughes' book Ten Minutes from Normal dubbed the Texas Bush team of Karl Rove, himself, and Karen Hughes, "the brain, the brawn and the bite," comes in.

The Allbaugh factor

At 6 feet 4 inches and 275 pounds, Allbaugh was clearly "the brawn" of the group that was later called the "iron triangle" by the national media.

A longtime comrade of George W. Bush, Allbaugh worked as then-Texas Gov. Bush's chief of staff before running the Bush's 2000 campaign, including the ruckus in Florida over the recounting of votes.

As a reward for Bush's victory, Allbaugh was named the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

From that station, Allbaugh proceeded to single-handedly attempt to destroy the agency. When Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005, Allbaugh, who had resigned from FEMA in 2003, when it was folded into the Department of Homeland Security (Bush chose the inexperienced Michael "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job" Brown - an Allbaugh friend - for the FEMA job), scurried off to New Orleans in search of mega-rebuilding contracts for clients of his company.

Seeking Katrina contracts

In September 2005, I wrote a piece for Media Transparency titled "Joe Allbaugh's Moneymaking Mission to the Gulf Coast" (

The storyline: Less than two weeks after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Allbaugh sailed into town seeking business for the Allbaugh Company - a company he co-founded with his wife, Diane. Allbaugh's mission, according to the Washington Post was "helping his clients get business from perhaps the worst natural disaster in the nation's history."

As I reported at the time, "Allbaugh told the newspaper that he was there 'just trying to lend my shoulder to the wheel, trying to coordinate some private-sector support that the government always asks for.'"

Patti Giglio, an Allbaugh spokesperson, told The Hill, "He is putting his shoulder to the wheel to mobilize the private sector, getting stuff in, getting what needs to be done done." Giglio claimed that Allbaugh was not here to help his clients secure government contracts. "The first thing he says when he sits down with a client is, 'Don't hire me if you're looking for a government contract.'"

However, as the Center for Media and Democracy's SourceWatch points out in its profile of Allbaugh, "His clients were among the first to win federal contracts to help with hurricane recovery: Shaw [Group Inc.] won a bid potentially worth $100 million to refurbish buildings and provide emergency housing, and [Halliburton Co. subsidiary] KBR received $29.8 million from the Pentagon to rebuild Navy bases in Louisiana and Mississippi."

The Allbaugh-Dick Cheney connection goes back some time and includes the work he did with Cheney, the former chairman of Halliburton, in vetting George W. Bush's vice presidential running mate, which of course turned out to be Dick Cheney.

Fumbling FEMA & stalking Iraq

Allbaugh's run at FEMA was controversial. SourceWatch points out that "he gained some attention that April [2001] for remarks questioning whether taxpayers should have to cover the cost of rebuilding properties that suffer repeated flood damage, just as the Mississippi River was flooding." Allbaugh told Congress that, "Many are concerned that federal disaster assistance may have evolved into both an oversized entitlement program and a disincentive to effective state and local risk management. Expectations of when the federal government should be involved and the degree of involvement may have ballooned beyond what is an appropriate level."

In September 2005, The New York Times' Paul Krugman wrote: "Undermining ... FEMA began as soon as President Bush took office" when "instead of choosing a professional with expertise in responses to disaster to head the agency ... [he] appointed ... Allbaugh ... [who] quickly began trying to scale back some of FEMA's preparedness programs."

"With FEMA under Allbaugh's watch," In These Times also pointed out in September  "White House budget director Mitch Daniels announced in April 2001 the goal of privatizing much of" the agency's work.

According to SourceWatch, "After leaving FEMA, Allbaugh has participated in numerous private ventures such as New Bridge Strategies, a private company that helps clients get contracts in Iraq."

Now called Allbaugh International Group, LLC, the Washington, D.C.-based company, according to its website (, "provides world-class emergency, security, disaster and anti-terrorism planning, management, response, recovery, economic, real estate, training and implementation services to governmental agencies, and private companies, and select individuals."

Interestingly, in a piece for The New York Review of Books, written by Joan Didion in the Fall of 2006, she reported that "In December 2002, Allbaugh announced that he was resigning from FEMA, leaving Brown in charge while he himself founded New Bridge Strategies, LLC, 'a unique company,' according to its Web site, 'that was created specifically with the aim of assisting clients to evaluate and take advantage of business opportunities in the Middle East following the conclusion of the U.S.-led war in Iraq.'"

"This was the U.S.-led war in Iraq that had not then yet begun," Didion pointed out.

Perry's new team

Perry not only has a new economic plan (another flat tax project apparently engineered by Steve Forbes), a new distraction (re-birthing the birther nonsense), and now a new team. According to ABC News' The Note, in addition to Allbaugh, who will serve as a senior adviser, team members include Fred Maas, "who has worked with John McCain and Bob Dole." Nelson Warfield, Jim Innocenzi and Curt Anderson, "who have worked on political ads in previous campaigns, are joining the campaign to help on the media side," are also joining Team Perry. The Note also reported that Tony Fabrizio, "a well-known Republican pollster who worked on Dole's 1996 campaign joins the team as well."

Warfield and Anderson's electoral record is somewhat sketchy: As The Note pointed out, "Warfield most recently worked on Fred Thompson's 2008 campaign and Bob Dole's 1996 run.  Anderson worked for Mitt Romney in 2008, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in 2000, and Steve Forbes in 1996."

"In 1998," according to a profile of Allbaugh at the National Corruption Index website, Allbaugh "was center stage in the Texas 'funeralgate' scandal. Eliza May, director of the state's Funeral Services Commission, charged he pressured her to drop a license investigation into SCI, the world's largest funeral company, and major Bush contributor. Instead, she fined the company $450,000, and was soon fired. May sued for wrongful discharge, and eventually won a settlement" ( id=57).

In 2007, Allbaugh served as a Senior Advisor to the Rudy Giuliani presidential campaign, a campaign that never really got off the ground. These days, Rick Perry's campaign is in deep trouble. Whether Allbaugh can rescue it remains to be seen. One thing, however, is for sure; regardless of wherever Perry winds up "the brawn" will more than likely land squarely on his feet.

Connected people like Allbaugh will always land on their feet -- unless they land on their feet on someone else's back. But in spite of all the pundit prognostications that Perry has the money and the backing to make a comeback in the primaries, I'm increasingly skeptical of the chances that Perry will make any serious impact from hereon in.

The problem is two-fold. One, his support hasn't just waned, it's evaporated. Ron Paul and even Newt Gingrich are now regularly trouncing him in the polling. If anyone has a chance to capitalize on Cain's likely tumble, it's probably Gingrich. Even those who dislike Newt respect his intellect (misplaced, as it happens, but that doesn't matter) and that's probably enough for them to hold their nose and vote for him over Romney. And better a Catholic than a Mormon.

Two, the Republican voters are not mistaken about Perry's inability to impress on the campaign trail. It's not as though he's a strong candidate who's gotten off to a bad start. That new "flat tax" proposal has been rightly ridiculed across the board. Not even Cain's 999 plan got such a pounding when it was first unveiled. Texas conservatives have never been terribly impressed by Governor Goodhair, and even when he's pandering, they aren't exactly swooning at his feet. He has been extremely lucky to have been voted back in here in Texas (first time the opposition was hopelessly split, last time he rode the Tea Party wave). So despite all the hype surrounding his hitching his wagon to the leaders of the religious right, he's never been a very strong candidate for President. Odds are, after 2012, you won't be hearing from him again in national politics.

by tacitus on Thu Oct 27, 2011 at 08:01:59 PM EST

Maybe because of the quality of people running he could still bounce back in two months. He has time. It is bad enough our military has started letting in felons and gang members and American Nazis but to also sully the minds of our allies? Well considering what else our gov't is now doing in over 128 countries right now it is probably not as bad as the School of the Americas notorious for producing so many dictators and death squad members over the last 50 years. So pick you poison, our gov't produces many types. All bad and all needing to be stopped. It is good to know about it.

by Nightgaunt on Mon Oct 31, 2011 at 12:38:00 AM EST

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