Ugandan GLBT activist murdered.
ArchaeoBob printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jan 27, 2011 at 12:57:34 PM EST
The very sort of thing expected from the hate spewed by the Religious Right and their cohorts has happened.  David Kato was murdered.

It is very interesting that this article actually connects the violent rhetoric against GLBT people and this murder.  The article I linked to mentions how the "Rolling Stone" newspaper published pictures of gay people with the comment "Hang them", and it's especially interesting that the police insist that there is no connection to his fight for human rights and his murder.  (Based upon my personal experiences with police in a heavily Religious Right area, I wouldn't be surprised that things are suppressed and every effort is made to "prove" that there was no connection.)

I hope that this doesn't remain a back-page bit of news, but that people in general learn about this travesty.  Maybe his death can be an impetus to fighting against the Religious Right and their bigoted hate, and cause them to loose power.  As saddening and horrible as this is, I hope some good comes of it.


The whole debacle with Uganda shows the absolute amorality of the religious right.  Many tried to backtrack their influence after invading a foreign culture and spreading seeds of absolute hatred and violence, at least publically to us.  Even Lou Engle said that Uganda was a "Christian" nation.  Jesus had compassion on the ostracized lepers of their day, his prophets today tell the masses to murder them.  I don't mean to pathologize homosexuality, but only to elucidate the contempt Christians have for their own Messiah.  I certainly hope they are correct about the evil being damned to hell.

by OldChaosoftheSun on Thu Jan 27, 2011 at 06:38:28 PM EST

Not only did He have compassion on the Lepers, but on the poor too.  The Religious Right tends to focus on only a few lines of Scripture (usually the often referred to and certainly misunderstood "gotcha" lines translated as referring to homosexuality), and ignores the literally thousands of lines of scripture regarding the abuse of the poor, which ARE accurately translated.  

I am highly offended by their actions.  I'm not sure if I'd call them amoral - IMO immoral is more accurate.  When I was in the Pentecostal/Dominionist churches, they used to rant and rave about "The Church of the Antichrist!!!" and talked about how it would force people to convert and be deceptive and things like that.  Funny how the very characteristics they ranted against, are the same ones they present.  I now realize they were doing that stuff all along, and several people have said that they think the P/D/Fs (Pentecostal/Dominionist/Fundamentalists) were projecting themselves on others.  I think that too.

BTW- Your thread on the word "transformation"... while it shows up on the site overview, I can't access it or read more than the couple of sentences available on the overview.  I've emailed Frederick about it.

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Jan 27, 2011 at 07:54:40 PM EST

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