Having Theological Skin in the Game
christinewoodman printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jan 20, 2011 at 06:46:55 PM EST
One of the great questions of the gay rights debate has been this: why does the Christian Right care so much about gay marriage? If you consider they spent at least $35 million dollars on Proposition 8 alone – that is a hell of a lot of caring. And, I’ll be honest; before last night, I never really understood why the Christian Right cared that much about gay rights.
I have a theory that religious groups become politically mobilized when they feel threaten in some basic way – when they have theological skin in the game. For example, creationism is vitally important to Evangelicals; without it their entire theological system crumbles. Catholicism is not based in literal and unerring scriptures, so while they are supportive of their Evangelical brethren, they tend to distance themselves from that particular fight.

My theory seemed to break down, however when I looked at the virulence of the anti-gay movement. Evangelicals, who have been the dominant force in the Christian Right, just didn’t have enough theological skin in the game to justify 35 million dollars a campaign. It didn’t challenge their theology the way that evolution does; it doesn’t really mess with their cultural dominance the way that prayer in public schools and public displays of the Ten