A Personal Appeal to Mike Huckabee
Dear Mr. Huckabee:
You have some courage, I'll grant you. I respect you for raising your hand when the Republican field was asked at an early debate, "Who doesn't believe in evolution?" Unfortunately, you've recently proven that you're willing to compromise your convictions.
You now admit the possibility of evolution by saying you "don't know how or when" God created the Earth and its creatures. You've also stepped back from your position on the role of women as you originally affirmed by signing the 1998 Southern Baptist Convention - now you say that submission in marriage goes both ways.
Frankly, it's disappointing to see you backtrack like this. Please, reclaim your beliefs! |
I propose that you adopt a clear, three-issue platform that is true to your core values. Based on your real convictions, the elements of your "Platform of Faith" (forgive my modest attempt at sound biting!) should be:
- To establish Biblical authority as superior to the US Constitution. This will require a set of Constitutional amendments, beginning with the elimination of the "establishment clause" in the First Amendment. This will clear the way for a combination of further legislation that will unambiguously define the United States as Christian Nation. A ban on same-sex unions of any kind, mandatory Christian prayer in public schools, and prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all government spaces should be the most urgent actions. Comprehensive replacement of evolution with Intelligent Design in science curricula should follow.
- To institutionalize a subservient role for women as consistent with Biblical teaching. This means reaffirming the real intent of the Southern Baptist Convention. Legislative support will include the repeal of the Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote, a national and complete ban on abortion under any circumstances, and restructuring divorce and domestic violence laws to appropriately value the relative roles of each gender.
- To move past incremental and meaningless attempts to create peace in the Middle East, and instead make a decisive move toward the real end game. You should confirm your intention when elected to destroy with military force the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. This act clears the way for the construction of the Third Temple, and will ensure the imminent onset of the Rapture and the return of Christ. All other challenges on the world stage would be rendered moot by this bold, preemptive action.
Mr. Huckabee, please regain the courage you've shown throughout your life. Don't compromise for political correctness - we need a leader with the strength to stand by his beliefs. By recapturing your natural moral authority, you'll inspire your real base to rise up and deliver you victory.
A concerned citizen
A Personal Appeal to Mike Huckabee | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
A Personal Appeal to Mike Huckabee | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)