Know Your Creationists, Continued
Ken Ham is the President of a Young Earth Creationist organization called Answers in Genesis (AiG) who holds the equivalent of a Masters in Education from the University of Queensland, Australia. AiG is self described as "a Christian apologetics ministry that equips the church to uphold the authority of the Bible from the very first verse". In other words, AiG promotes a strict interpretation of the Old Testament from a seven day creation time line to the Noachian Global Flood (and of course they reject common descent). Mr. Ham was born and raised in Australia but--sadly for us in America--now makes his home and base of operations for AiG in Cincinnati, Ohio. Darksyde reports that Ham's organziation targets young people and has raised $20 million to do it.
The arguments are the same-old, same-old; there are no transitional fossils, Noah's Flood explains the observed geological evidence better than anything else, evolution is a dogmatic philosophy about to be toppled by 'real' science (Any day now!), Natural Selection cannot create new information, gaps in the fossil record anywhere are reason to throw the evidence that lies between gaps out the window, etc., vomitus ad nauseum.
Know Your Creationists, Continued | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)
Know Your Creationists, Continued | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)