Audio and Video Documenting the Demonization of Others in TheCall Detroit Preparations
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Nov 08, 2011 at 01:13:38 PM EST
Following are three list of links: 1) audio and video documenting the preparations for the upcoming TheCall Detroit on 11/11/11, 2) links to video of TheCall events in past years in locations around the U.S. and the world, and 3) links to other videos of Lou Engle and members of TheCall Detroit's national leadership team.  Leadership preparing for TheCall Detroit have used the jargon of racial reconciliation while literally demonizing homosexuality, Islam, Freemasonry, Mormonism, Judaism, and other faiths.  While it may be tempting to dismiss the outlandish-sounding rituals in the audio below and the talk about demonic principalities as the cause of societal problems, this is part of a very sophisticated and successful brand of religo-political community organizing that is taking place across the nation.

(3 comments, 922 words in story)
Weigel v. Weigel
gregmetzger printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Nov 08, 2011 at 11:33:28 AM EST
"George Weigel's description of the Vatican office that authored the recent Vatican document on the global economy directly contradicts his own work in his biography of John Paul II, Witness to Hope."
(7 comments, 1291 words in story)
Details of possible "tectonic shift"
gregmetzger printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Nov 07, 2011 at 11:03:31 AM EST
Frederick Clarkson recently suggested at this site that we might be seeing a "tectonic shift" in the religious right as conservative evangelicals begin to reckon with the theological innovations and novel spiritual practices of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
(2 comments, 1505 words in story)
The Muslim Community's Samuel Rodriguez Problem
gregmetzger printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Nov 07, 2011 at 10:13:14 AM EST
Over a month ago I wrote a letter to Samuel Rodriguez that I can only assume will never be answered. In that letter I proposed to him the perfect way to clear up any confusion about the "resignation" from the Oak Initiative that I had reported him having made: he could clearly and unequivocally condemn the Oak Initiative's ongoing demonization of Muslims in connection with their cosponsorship of CallDetroit.
(24 comments, 656 words in story)
More Homeschool Dominion
wilkyjr printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Nov 07, 2011 at 08:19:00 AM EST
Vision Forum, a homeschool resource center, mailed me their study guide for Biblical Economics.  I found that their premise for Biblical economics is rooted in their doctrine of Dominion.  In Christian Dominion the idea is proposed that Christians take back all of culture, government and art since they fall under the authority of God who created all.  This center also serves as a publishing house for Christian schools that now dot the landscape as never before.  There are more than a dozen of these schools within a radius of forty miles from my home.
(3 comments, 666 words in story)
Indicators of a Tectonic Shift on the Religious Right?
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Nov 06, 2011 at 08:05:08 PM EST
Two developments since the New Apostolic Reformation emerged as a focus of national controversy in the wake of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's prayer rally, The Response, may indicate that some realignments are underway on the Religious Right -- and perhaps even in the wider world of conservative evangelicalism.  

First, the American Family Association (AFA) directed two of its radio talk show hosts to sever relationships with Brannnon Howse of Worldview Weekend, who had been critical of NAR and The Response. AFA had underwritten the costs of the rally.  Warren Throckmorton, writing at Religion Dispatches reported:  

The talk show hosts, John Loeffler and Todd Friel, have shows aired by American Family Radio and also speak at Howse sponsored events. According to Tim Wildmon, president of the AFA, "we identified two people with programs on our networks and told them, 'you have to make a choice.'"

Now, Worldview Weekend reports that prominent evangelical author, preacher and broadcaster, John MacArthur also denounced NAR in a recent sermon.  

(7 comments, 589 words in story)
Preparatory Conference Calls for TheCall Detroit Confirm Emphasis on Islam, Freemasonry
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Nov 05, 2011 at 09:52:36 PM EST
TheCall Detroit participants are denying that the event is anti-Muslim or directed against any group.  The truth is organizers have been demonizing Muslims, freemasons, homosexuals, Mormons, and others for well over a year in preparatory events and conference calls. Some quotes are included in the first article of the series and following are more from conference calls with John Benefiel and Cindy Jacobs, a member of the national leadership team for the event.  These calls provide a window into their unique and frighteningly creative methods for scapegoating of others.

[Author’s note 11/8/11: Audio of segments of the conference calls has been posted at”]

(1 comment, 2775 words in story)
A Day of Hope at St. John's University
Frank Cocozzelli printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Nov 05, 2011 at 03:00:45 PM EST
On Saturday October 22, I attended The Seventh Biennial Chair Conference on Social Justice at Saint John's University, in Queens, New York.

Presented by the Vincentian Order, the event was designed to "discuss ethical solutions to rising economic injustice..." After years of seemingly being one of very few of my faith to be openly at odds with Catholic Right it turned out to be one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.

(3 comments, 916 words in story)
TheCall Detroit Participants Deny That Event is About Demonization of Muslims and Others
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Nov 04, 2011 at 04:08:54 PM EST
"We need the harvest of the Muslim people.  We can't just sit by and let them continue the on the way they are, worshipping their false god."
-- April 11, 2011 conference call in preparation for TheCall Detroit

For well over a year, preparations for TheCall Detroit have included speeches and media about fighting the "demonic strongholds" of Islam and freemasonry.  NAR apostles and prophets have traveled to Michigan from all over the country and participated in conference calls to explain their preparations for "spiritual warfare" against Islam, as I reported in Dome Magazine.  But now, as concerned Muslim leaders speak out, the Detroit journalists are being told that the event has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.  It's simply about Christians getting together to pray for Detroit. "The event has no agenda against Muslims," stated one participating pastor.  What TheCall events and NAR apostles do is to provide scapegoats for the reason communities have hardships, and diversion from addressing the root of societal problems. According to the event's organizers, Michigan has problems because demons have been let in through freemasonry, Islam, abortion and homosexuality. Removal of the demons is promised to create a utopia that will be a model to the other cities and states.

[Author’s note 11/8/11: Audio of segments of the conference calls has been posted at”]

(3 comments, 2060 words in story)
Dominionism Taught By Forerunners of the New Apostolic Reformation Since the Late 1940s
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Nov 03, 2011 at 09:19:43 PM EST
Lou Engle has repeatedly described TheCall events he has held around the world as inspired by the revivals of Franklin Hall.  In 1946 Hall began a fasting and faith-healing revival in San Diego which had a significant impact on the movement known as the Latter Rain.  Hall's books and media of other Latter Rain leaders leave no doubt that the Charismatic brand of Dominionism of today's apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) has a long history.  It actually predates Rushdoony's Reconstructionism and it also counters the statements of David Barton and others who claim that the idea of Dominionism in American Christianity is an invention of liberals. Quotes from George Warnock's 1951 Feast of Tabernacles and Franklin Hall's 1966 Subdue the Earth, Rule the Nations are included below.
(2 comments, 3165 words in story)
What's Good for the Goose is NOT Good for the Christian Nationalist Pseudo-Historians
Chris Rodda printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Nov 03, 2011 at 10:38:05 AM EST
Headline today on David Barton's Wallbuilders website: "Atheist Group Takes Down Billboard With Inaccurate Anti-Christian Jefferson Quote."

The headline links to an article on The Blaze, the news website of Barton's cohort Glenn Beck, which begins:

"An Orange County group of skeptics, 'with a heavy atheist `bent,' have become tongue-tied in their campaign for secularism. California-based Backyard Skeptics head Bruce Gleason used $4,000 in anonymous donations to put up billboards with an anti-Christian Thomas Jefferson quote he had discovered.

"Gleason, however, is now apologizing to the secular community after news broke that  The Jefferson Library Collection at Monticello could not find any such quote from the third U.S. president in their records. Gleason now insists that he may have misquoted Jefferson, but did not misrepresent his ideas, and put the billboard up in 'good faith.'"

(2 comments, 568 words in story)
The Ruse of the Religious Right's Call for `Racial Reconciliation'
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Nov 03, 2011 at 10:34:58 AM EST
Over the years, the use of the term 'racial reconciliation' by the Religious Right has never been meant to promote social justice, advance the cause of civil rights or strengthen America's tattered social safety net. Instead, 'racial reconciliation' was incorporated into the agendas of various right wing religious/political organization as a marketing tool; an attempt to recruit African Americans to conservative politics.

As researcher and writer Rachel Tabachnick recently pointed out at Talk To Action, the New Apostolic Reformation's use of Reconciliation ceremonies "are not about pluralism, but about proselytizing - for both charismatic evangelical belief and right wing politics."

During their halcyon days of the late 1990s, the Promise Keepers men's movement made 'racial reconciliation' a focal point. These days, Lou Engle, a prominent player in the New Apostolic Reformation, is using 'racial reconciliation' to promote rallies that TheCall is organizing.

(10 comments, 1086 words in story)

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