Fatima Center Leaders Claim "Apostate" Jews and Israelis Plan To Slaughter Human Race
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Sep 03, 2013 at 11:37:49 AM EST
This is the 3rd in a series of full and partial transcripts of public talks from leaders associated with the Fatima Center, headed by Father Nicholas Gruner. From September 8-11, 2013, in Ontario, Canada, Gruner's Fatima Center will be hosting a major conference, with a planned keynote address to be given by Former United States Congressman (R-TX) Ron Paul. Father Gruner has recently been revealed as a Holocaust denier. As researcher Rachel Tabachnick characterized, the Fatima Center conference was originally to feature "New World Order conspiracy theorists, holocaust deniers, racists, and an openly fascist speaker". The latter, self described neofascist Italian politician Roberto Fiore, has since dropped out of the event - along with Canadian Senator Roméo Dallaire, whose personal secretary told the CBC "There is absolutely no way that General Dallaire would be associated with these speakers."

But for the time being, Ron Paul - whose troubled history included anti-Semitic and racist newsletters published in his name in the 1980s and 1990s, remains slated to keynote the event.

(1 comment, 4735 words in story)
Un-Hinn-dered By a Long Term Affair, Benny Hinn's Brother Sam Re-Claims the Pulpit
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Sep 03, 2013 at 11:22:46 AM EST
When it comes to being restored, re-ordained and returned to the pulpit after confessing to a four-year extramarital affair with a member of his congregation, Sam Hinn, the younger brother of well-known televangelist and faith healer Benny Hinn, may have set a new speed record for fallen evangelical leaders.

Older brother Benny is a big-time brand, squirrelling the spotlight for a good chunk of his professional life, and his ministry reels in extraordinary amounts of money. He's traveled the globe, bought mansions, and has lived the good life. He's also experienced a fair amount of controversy along the way; his prophesies have been way off the mark, including one made in 1989 that Fidel Castro wouldn't outlast the 1990s; he was one of a group of televangelists whose financial shenanigans inspired an investigation by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa); and, two years ago, he was accused of being involved in a messy extramarital affair with Paula White -- another well-known televangelist -- an accusation that threatened his worldwide ministry. Hinn self-recovered and is back televangelizing.

Now, younger brother Sam, who compared to Benny is a minor figure in the world of evangelicals, is grabbing some kinky headlines of his own.

(2 comments, 1023 words in story)
Evolution Exponent: Genie Scott Has Been A Headache For Creationists
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Sep 03, 2013 at 10:47:32 AM EST

Back in the early 1990s, I helped an Americans United activist in Missouri fend off efforts by a small-town school board to insert creationism into science classes.

We were frustrated. We had explained to the members of the board that what they wanted to do was unconstitutional and would run afoul of the 1987 Supreme Court decision Edwards v. Aguillard (at the time a fairly new opinion). They were not swayed.

(1 comment, 796 words in story)
Canadian Defense Minister 'Rebuffs Anti-Semitic' Conference, Ron Paul Still Scheduled to Keynote
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Sep 01, 2013 at 05:16:23 PM EST
[Canadian/British spelling used in Canadian news references.]
 photo billboard_zps2e0c81d5.jpg
This past week Canadian politicians have distanced themselves from the upcoming Fatima Center conference.  "Defence Minister Rebuffs Anti-Semitic Conference" announced a Canadian Broadcast Corporation headline. Defence Minister Rob Nicholson told the CBC that he had never endorsed the event, contrary to claims in Fatima Center promotional media.  CBC had reported earlier in the week that Canadian Senator Roméo Dallaire dropped out of the Fatima Center event, expressing his embarassment that a mixup led to him being scheduled as a speaker.   The CBC quoted his personal secretary as saying, "There is absolutely no way that General Dallaire would be associated with these speakers."  Dallaire had been used in promotional media including a billboard at the U.S. and Canadian border featuring him and Ron Paul, keynote speaker for the event's September 11 gala dinner.
(1 comment, 630 words in story)
Gruner, Kramer, Zola, From 1990 Fatima Center Broadcast, On The "Judeo-Masonic" Conspiracy
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 28, 2013 at 11:31:25 AM EST
In a segment of the radio show "Heaven's Peace Plan" which aired in 1990, following the first Gulf War with Iraq, Fatima Center head Father Nicholas Gruner and his colleague Father Paul Kramer joined Tom Zola, then-head of catholictreasures.com for the following discussion - in which the three describe a Jewish-Masonic plot to instigate world wars and, ultimately, launch a New World Order led by the anti-Christ. I have transcribed this segment to demonstrate the remarkably continuity of the anti-Jewish conspiracy narrative told by leaders associated with the Fatima Center, a narrative which over the course of more than two decades, from 1990 to 2013, remained essentially unchanged. For comparison, see my story "Judeo-Freemasonry" Aims To Exterminate Humanity, Claims Father Paul Kramer, from a talk Kramer gave in England on June 2, 2013.
(14 comments, 3929 words in story)
"Judeo-Freemasonry" Aims To Exterminate Humanity, Claims Father Paul Kramer
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 02:42:14 PM EST
Father Paul Kramer, a radical Catholic traditionalist associated with the Fatima Center and the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), describes, in this video, from a talk titled "Freemasonry and the New Mass" that Kramer gave at a SSPX conference in England, June 1-2, 2013, how an organized global conspiracy, comprised of Freemasons but ultimately controlled by Jews, plans to overthrow Christianity and the Church and impose a one-world government "New World Order" that will seek "the total extermination of the human race" according to Father Kramer [partial transcript in full story. See, especially, 17:00 - 25:00 in video.]

In September, Kramer will join Former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul at the Fatima Center-sponsored "Fatima: The Road To Peace" conference in Ontario, CA. For background, see these two stories from TTA contributor Rachel Tabachnick: Ron Paul to Keynote Catholic Traditionalist Summit with NeoFascist and Overtly Anti-Semitic Speakers, and Bircher President: 'If You Like Ron Paul, You'll Love the John Birch Society'. Also see, from the Washington Free Beacon, Fatima Center Head Denies Anti-Semitism, Questions Holocaust]

(1 comment, 1038 words in story)
Conservative Christian Billionaire Philip Anschutz and the Death of The King of Pop
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Aug 27, 2013 at 11:20:20 AM EST
Does Philip Anschutz, the conservative billionaire owner of Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) - a wholly owned subsidiary of the Anschutz Company -- and/or his company, an entertainment and sports empire, bear any responsibility in the death of Michael Jackson?

Anschutz Entertainment Group's AEG Live knew it could make a fortune if Michael Jackson`s comeback tour was even mildly successful. During preparation for the "This Is It" tour, which might have been the biggest comeback tour in entertainment history starting with 50 shows in London and then possibly moving on to other worldwide venues, an out-of-shape, exhausted and prescription drug-dependent Jackson died of an overdose of drugs.

It is now four-plus years since Jackson died. Over that period, Anschutz has made millions off the King of Pop.

(1 comment, 1278 words in story)
Bircher President: 'If You Like Ron Paul, You'll Love the John Birch Society'
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Aug 26, 2013 at 10:37:21 PM EST
It's September 2, 2008 and the Republican National Convention is taking place in Minneapolis.  Across the river at the Target Center, an audience of several thousand have gathered for the Rally for the Republic, a parallel Ron Paul convention. The speakers for the event have been announced in advance with the exception of one surprise special guest. Emcee Tucker Carlson declines to announce him, but the crowd cheers as the speaker approaches the podium. It's John McManus, president of the John Birch Society.

The 2008 event received limited coverage at the time, but Paul's long term relationship with the JBS warrants more scrutiny as Paul continues to launch new components of his "Ron Paul Revolution."

(5 comments, 1111 words in story)
A Point About The Paul Temptation
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Aug 24, 2013 at 11:01:28 PM EST
As we approach the launch of the Ron Paul home school curriculum, which is being prepared in consort with theocratic theorist Gary North and Catholic neo-confederate Thomas Woods, let's take a quick look back at an often overlooked part of Ron Paul's political history.  
(3 comments, 514 words in story)
Ron Paul to Keynote Catholic Traditionalist Summit with NeoFascist and Overtly Anti-Semitic Speakers
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Aug 23, 2013 at 02:45:36 PM EST
The conference in Ontario is billed as "Fatima: The Path to Peace" but it features New World Order conspiracy theorists,holocaust deniers, racists, and an openly fascist speaker. (Video below.)   photo billboard_zps2e0c81d5.jpg Former U.S Congressman Ron Paul will keynote the week-long international summit to be held in September at Niagara Falls, Ontario. The billboard at right, advertising the event, is at the Peace Bridge entrance to Canada from Buffalo, New York. Paul is accustomed to sharing the stage with conspiracy theorists - John Birchers, Christian Reconstructionists, and Neoconfederates - but this time it's the international summit of a radical Catholic traditionalist organization. The Fatima Crusaders not only reject the reforms of Vatican II, but also teach that the Vatican is in collusion with the United Nations to form a one-world government.  This article includes short bios of some of the scheduled speakers and video of one of them rallying a crowd in Europe against homosexuals and Jews. Come back to Talk2action.org next week for another installment on Ron Paul and the John Birch Society's previous involvement with this same organization.
(14 comments, 1244 words in story)
A Christian Perspective on Politics and the Religious Right
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Aug 22, 2013 at 07:32:41 PM EST
Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, who authored a very kind introduction to Dispatches from the Religious Left: The Future of Faith and Politics in America (which featured several essays by Talk to Action contributors) is retiring after 14 years as director of the Religion Department at the Chautauqua Institution, which followed 20 years as General Secretary of the National Council of Churches.  The Religious Right's Institute on Religion and Democracy marked the occasion with a sneer.  But today, let's pay no attention to IRD.  

Let's hear instead from Joan Brown Campbell via an excerpt from her introduction to Dispatches, which she opened with a quote from the noted rabbi, Abraham Heschel:  "There is a time when silence is betrayal... that time is now."    


(3 comments, 314 words in story)
Obama's Faith-Based Diplomacy Will Need a Hail Mary
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Aug 20, 2013 at 12:55:36 PM EST
From its counterinsurgency strategy to Drone strikes, from paying off tribal leaders to training local security forces, from increasing troops to decreasing troops, the Obama Administration has tried almost every conceivable strategy to "successfully" end the war in Afghanistan. Will the State Department's newly created faith-based office help turn the tide in Afghanistan and in other areas of violent conflict? Will it promote religious freedom for all, including minority religious groups? Will it treat non-believers with respect? Will it become a politicized money-pit for a chosen few religious organizations and institutions?

In its introduction to a wide-ranging discussion titled "Engaging religion at the Department of State," The Editors of the blog The Immanent Frame pointed out that while "There is great excitement in some quarters about the prospects for new partnerships .... this initiative also raises concerns regarding the intersection of religious freedom, religious establishment, and foreign policy."

(3 comments, 1731 words in story)

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