Eugene Delgaudio may lose his day job as Virginia county supervisor
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Feb 09, 2014 at 03:45:57 PM EST

Surprised no one's noticed this, but one of the nation's most virulent homophobes is in a fight to keep his day job.  Eugene Delgaudio is best known as the head of Public Advocate of the United States.  You may remember that he stole a wedding picture and used it on anti-gay flyers in Colorado two years ago.  At last report, a lawsuit against both Delgaudio and his organization is still pending.  But Delgaudio may have concerns nearer and dearer than that lawsuit.  Since 1999, Delgaudio has been a member of the Board of Supervisors (county commission) in Loudoun County, representing the Sterling area.  But several of his constituents are trying to use a little-known Virginia law to have him removed from office for gross misconduct--including using county money to run Public Advocate.

The story began in September 2012, when one of his former aides, Donna Mateer, claimed Delgaudio forced her to raise money for his campaigns on Loudoun County's dime.  She also claimed Public Advocate footed the bill for several courses she attended, as well as fundraising lists she was told to use.  She also claimed that at one point while she worked for Delgaudio, Public Advocate essentially too