Cindy Jacobs tells followers how to "lay siege" to their cities
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Sun Aug 25, 2013 at 05:56:05 PM EST

Earlier today, I found a real lulu of an article in Charisma magazine penned by Cindy Jacobs.  In her latest piece, Jacobs muses on what to do about how to combat ungodly influences in our cities.  Her solution?  Lay siege to them through prayer.

The army of God is on the move and ready for battle strategy. A new breed of watchmen is emerging across the nations. This breed is ready to lay siege to its cities.

Ezekiel 4 gives a prophetic pattern for establishing the lordship of Christ in your area. Ezekiel was called of God to perform an intercessory act over the city of Jerusalem, much like Joshua when he was called to march around Jericho. Ezekiel's prophetic intercession provides a model—with principles found throughout the Word of God—on how to intercede for a city against spiritual strongholds.

It may look innocuous, but you have to remember that Jacobs and others of her ilk believe that in order for Jesus to come back, Christians must take over all aspects of our culture.  So when Jacobs is calling for intercession against "strongholds," she is calling for her followers to pray against anything and anyone who isn't under "submission" to those of her ilk.

How are they supposed to do it?  According to Jacobs, there are four steps.  First, make a map of the "strongholds" in a city, set a strategy to intercede for the city, implement it, and build a "wall of protection" around it.  

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